This week, before the celebration, on the 8th of March, of the International Day of working Women, we will put the focus on women entrepreneurs.
The Role of women
According To data collected in the Map of Entrepreneurship 2018, developed by South Summit Madrid, for the first time, the percentage of women founders of startups in Spain grows. According to this report, it is 22% compared to 18% in 2017. In Addition, women-led startups have a lower failure rate (22% versus 51% of projects that have men in front) and especially are focused on undertaking in the education sector. In fact, according to data from the GEM España Report 2017-2018 the gap between men and women at the time of embarkation has been steadily declining since 2013. Despite these undoubtedly hopeful results, the GEM 2018-2019 (Global entrepreneurship Monitor) report reveals that Spain is still far from the 6 countries with parity in the venture. Therefore, throughout this week we will give special visibility to programs, AIDS and Entrepreneurial initiatives be attentive!