Manuel Calle Mena
Self-employed Lawyer and vocational training with more than 20 years of experience in the field of labor, taxation and HUMAN RESOURCES, both in public and private companies and specializing in the field of entrepreneurship and employment.

Computer Science Engineer, titled Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICAI-ICADE). Specialties: Working Environment, Leadership, Team Motivation, self-esteem, Productivity, Management, Talent Development and Human Potential, Training, Team Development, Communication, Training of High Performance teams, Training, Team Building. Head Hunting with international IT profile search experience.

Eva Chicho For 17 years my professional career was focused in the direction of an SME. At that stage I learned that success not only depends on the knowledge you have, there is something more important than the theory you study, the development of social and emotional skills. Today I dedicate myself to teaching others to develop those skills and to balance emotionally, because knowledge can always be acquired, but success can only be developed.
Carolina San Miguel Manager of Four Ninety, Trainer and Speaker on issues related to entrepreneurship, overcoming failures, personal branding, communication, marketing, political communication, social media, protocol and event management. She Is an entrepreneur and businesswoman, she organises an inescapable meeting on the beach for entrepreneurs, the Beachemprende Event. He has training in different organizations, associations, professional schools, business schools and universities of Castellón and Valencia. Diploma in Management and Public Administration from the Universitat Jaume I, MBA Executive by E & S Business School, Master in corporate and political Communication from the Camilo José Cela University of Madrid, Community Manager by the International Marketing Institute, Course of storytelling by the Uned, Trainer of trainers and Course in Leadership and Public Participation by the Luis Vives Foundation.
Oliver Von Schiller Partner Director of the firm AD & LAW, of which he is also founder. AD & LAW is a firm specializing in financial, fiscal, accounting, labor and legal advice to startups and funds, mainly private equity and venture capital. Expert evaluator of projects for the European Commission both in the 7Th Framework Programme and in Horizon 2020. He Previously served as Director of Business development for a biotechnology company and director General of a nanotechnology company, leading the whole process of expanding the business at the international level and collaborating with other companies and Both European and American and Asian institutions. He Started his professional career in public institutions such as ICEX and the Bank of Spain. In Addition to his degree in CUNEF and the University of Wisconsin, he is Master in International Financial Markets by the UNED, and has studied various programs for executives such as Startup Lawyers in IE, Project Management at IESE, Management of biotechnology Companies In Spain Genome or Labour Audit at the CEF. He Has conducted training and outreach sessions for entrepreneurs and companies in business schools such as EOI, UNED, CUNEF, URJC, The Valley, alITER,…, apart from other institutions such as EXPLORER, DEMIUM STARTUPs, CDTI, INFO,…