Through the Network of Points of Attention to the Entrepreneur (PAE) you will receive personalized advising services and you will be able to manage for free the tax and labor procedures to start your business activity. It Will manage the high and low as autonomous, as well as the constitution and business dissolution. All this will be done using the Electronic Single Document (DUE) as a medium. You Will Be Able to carry out the following steps:-ALTA:
- Freelance (Download the informative triptych)
- Civil Society (Download the informative triptych)
- S.r.l. (Download the informative triptych)
- S.l.n.e.
- S.L.F.S. (Download the informative triptych)
- Community of Goods
- Autonomous
- S.r.l.
- S.l.n.e.
- S.L.F.S.
Appointment for the PAE of the UNED in Madrid:
- It is Necessary to request prior appointment in advance by e-mail indicating the personal details and reasons for the appointment.
- Email:
- Telephone Consultation Hours (L to V, from 10am to 3pm)
- Phone: (+ 34) 91 398 97 09