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Today, from this blog, we provide information on a range of training resources for you, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs, you can get the most out of your idea or your business. You Can take a look at the different and varied courses (online and/or in-presence) that we believe will help you in your professional way as they belong to different key themes to bring your ideas to success. -"Digital Strategy for Entrepreneurship" (IMFE-City Council of Malaga-on-site-16 to 18 October 2018)-"Integral Digital Marketing Program for the Company 2018-2019-Module 1: Digital Strategy for your Business" (UNED-Tudela-ONLINE or onsite-19 October to 23 November 2018)-"The essentials in the management of the company – 2018" (UNED-Tudela-ONLINE-25 October to 20 December 2018)-"Entrepreneurship: self-employment and business Management" (UNED-Pontevedra, Aula de Portas-ONLINE or onsite-30 October 2018 to 15 January 2019)-"How to create your corporate image step by step" (UNED-Pontevedra, Aula de Vigo-ONLINE or onsite-15 November 2018)-"Storytelling. Communicate and persuade with narrative resources "(UNED-Alcira, Valencia-ONLINE or onsite-16 to 17 November 2018)-" Strategies for a good entrepreneurship. How to create a company and main errors to avoid "(UNED-Pontevedra-ONLINE or onsite-21 December 2018)-" Storytelling. Communicate and persuade with narrative resources "(UNED-Madrid Sur-PERSONal-1 to 8 March 2019)-" Dare to undertake "(UNIMOOC-University of Alicante-ONLINE-Start once registered)-" Entrepreneurship in the field of mobile applications "( UNIMOOC-University of Alicante-ONLINE-Start once enrolled)-"Itinerary of Entrepreneurship" (Guide of the Center of Studies EY, Foundation Spain-Madrid-GUIDE ONLINE) We Hope that you contribute many and interesting knowledge and they are very useful.

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