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When you work for someone else, your taxes as individual person, Social Security and Income Tax, directly enter the company that hires you in the corresponding body, reaching your pocket your net salary. As a TIP of the week, we wanted to focus on something fundamental, but sometimes it is somewhat complex for the new entrepreneurs: the taxation of the self-employed. As A freelancer, you are required to pay three types of taxes and submit the corresponding statements periodically. Although Many choose for delegating these tasks to a professional advisor or manager, it is very important that you meet the basics of what taxes should be paid as a freelancer, and the accounting statements or obligations associated with it. What taxes should the self-employed pay?

  • Income Tax of the Natural Persons (income Taxes), which taxes the business income obtained by the autonomous one, being able to choose between the System of Direct Estimation Simplified, the Mode of Direct estimation Normal and the Regime of Objective Estimation ( Modules). Quarterly An amount is paid and then, annually, the income statement is presented (model 100), being able to leave to pay or to return.
  • Value Added Tax (VAT), indirect tax levied on consumption and therefore falls on the final consumer. The Freelance or the SME act as intermediaries between the Treasury and the final consumer, as they will have to pay the difference between the VAT that has affected and charged to their clients and the one they have supported for their purchases to suppliers. It’S paid Quarterly.
  • Corporate Tax, only in the case of exercising your business with a mercantile company you must pay for it instead of the INCOME tax.

In The TIPs of Fridays we will unravel one by one each one of them.