New in 2018 for freelancers and SMES

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Social Security – Quote and autonomous Fee-Law on Urgent reforms

  • Autonomous Fee 2018: Just a few days Ago we knew the news that the Government froze by the beginning of 2018 the minimum and maximum bases along with the quota of self-employed due to the lack of public accounts
  • Membership Fee The Reform of the autonomous law comes to dissociate the contribution of the autonomous company Group 1 of the General Regime, determined by the Minimum wage interprofessional (SMI), to be governed by the general budgets. But This measure is subject to the existence of public accounts. Therefore, the year begins without applying the dissociation of the SMI that goes up By 4% in 2018, as well as the minimum base of contribution of the Autonomous company.
  • Expansion of the flat rate to one year: Yes, only for new highs in the CHALLENGE in 2018. If you opt for a higher price you will be charged the 80% bonus on the minimum basis. The sections after that year of start of activity remain in 50% of bonus in the first semester of the second year of activity and 30% in the second semester. The self-employed are still unable to avail themselves of this bonus in the quota of freelancers. The Social Security maintains this criterion despite the opinion of sentences in favor of the autonomous company.
  • Access to bonuses Is facilitated: Both to receive the flat rate and any other bonus of the CHALLENGE, the reform of self-employed reduces to from January 1, 2018 the required time unquoted in freelancers, five to two years , three in case the last high was subsidized. This measure does not apply in the case of self-employed collaborators.
  • Maternity leave of self-employed: The Autonomous mothers who curse low will be exempt from paying freelance fee during the enjoyment of the same
  • Fairer System for quotation time: Another novelty of 2018 which is also the result of the law is the payment for real days of high and low. This means that the collection of the quota is not going to be done by the computation of the whole month but proportional. That's right, this option is limited to the first three highs or lows during the year.
  • Modulation of surcharges on delays: The new law reduces in 2018 the surcharge of 20% to 10% if you pay in the following calendar month.
  • Return for excess of quotation in pluriactivity: The New Year and the reform of freelancers bring with them novelties for those autonomous ones in situation of pluriactivity, that is to say that they are quoted in autonomous Mode and General. If your case is Social Security will return the excess quote without you have to apply.