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Know The seven bonuses to promote youth employment in 2018, which were introduced by Royal Decree Law 4/2013 of 22 February by the Entrepreneurship and Employment Strategy and supplemented in 2014 by the package of "urgent Measures for Growth, competitiveness and efficiency "and include an important series of new bonuses. These Are six measures that offer an interesting range of possibilities when hiring young people (or over 45 years old) that can be very attractive for many freelancers and SMEs. These Are temporary bonuses that will be maintained until the unemployment rate falls from 15%.

  • 100% Social Security Bonuses for self-employed or microenterprises who hire young people indefinitely part-time or whole-day.
  • Bonuses of 100% of Social Security contributions for young self-employed who hire an unemployed person over 45 years old.
  • Bonuses of 100% of Social Security contributions for companies or freelancers for hiring part-time youth with training links.
  • Bonuses for three years of Social Security contributions for companies or freelancers who temporarily hire young people without work experience and transform them into indefinite within a few months.
  • Bonuses of 50% of the Social Security contributions for companies or freelancers who hire internships for young people without work experience.
  • Three-year Allowances for Social Security contributions for cooperatives or labor societies that incorporate young people as working partners or workers in the General Social Security Scheme.

To Learn more detailed and outlined you can see the brochure descriptive SEPE clicking HERE