Entrepreneurship Opportunities (II): Food, municipal Markets and THE environment

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As we discussed last week, and taking into account that entrepreneurs are in continuous search for business and projects that can be fruitful because they attract consumers, this week we want to address a sector that increasingly becomes more important: the of healthy eating and the environment. More and more we are looking for a quality food based on ecological products, sustainable with the environment, of production “of closeness” or elaborated artisanally. And, it is here, where there can be an opportunity to undertake, both in the food industry itself or its complementary sectors (for example, marketed these products or create new ones from the first). As An example of this resurgence, even the city councils of the big cities are investing in “rediscovering” the municipal markets by making the generational change be accompanied by the introduction of new businesses in the food sector, but with This mentality of respect for the environment and in accordance with training. We leave you some links that report this type of initiatives in the municipal markets: http://www.mercadosmunicipales.es/http://megustamimercado.es/(which every year carries out a campaign to promote these municipal markets). Another representative data is the inauguration, by the City Council of Madrid in the Barceló Market, of the first Meat Training Center accredited in the Community of Madrid. This Initiative seeks to unite professionals in this sector and, in particular, the new generations, and accompany them to the future of the profession. The General Director of Trade and Entrepreneurship, Concha Díaz de Villegas, during her visit to the new Centre highlighted the importance of training professionals in the food sector to ensure the competitiveness of small businesses, promote the Generational relay and promote employability something very important for future entrepreneurs in the meat sector. This Initiative has also been backed up with the support of the Barceló Market Traders Association which, thanks to its management, has made this space consolidated as one of the most representative of the city and, therefore, a possible niche of ideas Business within the sector. In Addition, this type of local initiatives is reinforced by the Strategic Plan of Grants 2018-2020, approved by the Order of 22 March 2018, which establishes subsidies for the period 2018/2020 of the Ministry for the Ecological Transition, which It also makes available a training search engine in this and other annexed sectors. DETAILS OF THE INFORMATION GATHERED IN THIS POST: https://www.madridemprende.es/es/noticias/NewsModule/displayNews/95f83d75bd2913c395548f6ce1935b62#galleryNews

We Hope This post has been of interest, and We return on Friday with our tools for entrepreneurs.