New and important bonuses for disabled self-employed in this 2018

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The new Autonomous Law and the increase of the flat rate has led to the first month of 2018, 72,000 people have been discharged as self-employed.  New aid and bonuses have been created to make this process more bearable. These incentives to job creation can also be enjoyed by people with disabilities, who, besides enjoying the existing bonuses at the general level, have some specific:-Hiring for others of the children with Disability of self-employed workers. It has been facilitated the recruitment, even if the coexistence in the same domicile, of the children with a recognized disability is maintained-Increase of the deductible expenditure of the premiums of the sickness insurance. With regard to the expenses deductible in the INCOME TAX, the new regulation admits the premiums of sickness insurance satisfied by the self-Subsidy in the quota of self-employed to conciliate. There Is A 100% bonus of the 12-month self-employed for the care of a disabled family member. -Increase of the Flat Rate: If You have already subsidized this measure before you will only have to wait 3 years (before it was 4) to return to benefit from it. In Addition, people with disabilities are entitled to a plus; Once you finish the 12-month period enjoying reduced fees of €50 you will have 4 more years with a discount of 50% of your fee.   Information retrieved from Infoautónomos