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Being unemployed can become the opportunity to start a new project or give it the definitive push. In The post today, we want to explain what is the capitalization of unemployment: it is to receive the outstanding amount of the benefit in a single payment. That Is, you receive all that you have left (or a part) to collect in a single payment to be able to invest that money in your future society or work as a freelancer. This situation should not be confused with the possibility of reconciling the benefit with the self-employment, which is that, if you are perceiving the unemployment benefit of contributory level and you cease with total and definitive character the activity Work, you can register as a worker or self-employed person, being able to continue receiving the benefit that corresponds to him, while he is working on his own account. This situation can occur for a maximum of 270 days or during the lower time that remains to be perceived, provided that it requests the compatibility in the unextendable period of 15 days to count from the date of beginning of the activity on its own account. It may Also apply as indicated in this section to those who are perceiving unemployment benefit and are incorporated as partners or members of newly established labor societies or partners/as workers of newly created associate Labour cooperatives , which are in accordance with the Special Social Security Scheme corresponding to their own-account activity. The working person who accepts this compatibility will receive 100% of the amount of the unemployment benefit with the discount of the INCOME TAX, where appropriate, and without deduction of contribution to the Social Security. You Can see all the details here Returning to the capitalization of unemployment, it must be taken into account that this is a measure approved by the Government to encourage, encourage and facilitate entrepreneurship or self-employment among the unemployed. Who can capitalize on unemployment, modalities, where to apply and other important details to consider. Requirements:-That you remain to collect at least three monthly payments of your contributory benefit, except in the case of cessation of activity, in which case, you must have pending, at least 6 monthly. -Not being discharged from Social Security or initiating an economic activity. You Can Register immediately after applying to start the activity. -Be discharged as a freelance, at most within a period not exceeding one month, once the capitalization has been granted. -Not having benefited from this unique payment in the four years immediately preceding. -Not to have challenged the dismissal. In this case, the request must wait for the procedure to be resolved. -One more option is to allocate the money to a contribution to the social capital of a new company or created within a maximum period of 12 months prior to the contribution. It Is important to know what amounts you’ll receive and in what way:

  • Single Payment for men under 30 or women under 35 years old: they can apply for 100% of the single payment to invest in their beginning as self-employed, contribution to a company or constitution of this one. That Is, you can register and buy a local, machinery, a computer or whatever you want with 100% of the benefit.
  • Single Payment for men over 30 or women over 35 years old: You will only be able to use 60% of the single payment to make investments, the remaining 40% will be deducted from the payments of the self-employed Social Security fee.
  • Single Payment for members of Labor and cooperative Societies: the single payment must be contributed as a share capital to 100%. If The amount is less than the full benefit, the remainder will be used to pay the autonomous fees. We Must Allocate this money to make a contribution to the social capital of a new constitution or constituted within a maximum period of twelve months prior to the contribution and to pay the tax burdens of the start of the activity.

In the three single payment modalities, up to 15% of the amount of the capitalized benefit may be used to pay specific services for advice, training and information related to the activity to be undertaken. In all cases of single payment of the contributory benefit, it may be allocated to the costs of establishing and putting into operation an entity, as well as to the payment of taxes and fees. Deadlines for investing capitalization: After your concession, you have a 1 month to prove to the agency that you have made the expenditure anticipated in the memory. Pre-grant payments should Not be made because they would not be covered. Where and when to apply:

  • Through the page
  • In the benefits office, after obtaining a previous appointment at the SEPE’s electronic site or on the phone 901 010 210.
  • In any public registration office or by directing it by Administrative mail.

To Apply For This you must contact the State Public Employment Service SEPE and submit an application together with an explanatory report of the activity you want to start up (unless you apply exclusively for the granting of Security quotas Social). If The application is approved you will have a month to start your project and register as a freelancer (at IAE and Social Security). Important: Remember to keep all the documents and invoices of the transactions made in the initial investment in order to justify them conveniently before the offices of the SEPE. And finally we want to remark that is that these amounts received as a single payment are exempt from INCOME TAX as long as you maintain the activity at least 5 years. DETAILED INFORMATION, HELP GUIDES And FORMS: General Information of the SEPE on Capitalization of the contribution Level: Contributory Benefit and single Payment IMPORTANT: For benefit capitalization, in general, it is processed from the SEPE. For their contribution to labor and cooperative societies the management is carried out from the corresponding autonomous Community. We Hope to clarify your doubts about this issue. Good weekend.