Sales Fundamentals for Entrepreneurs | Madrid-DEC 14

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If you have a startup, sell as a freelancer or just want to optimize your sales process, this is your event! On Thursday 14th December, from 14:00 to 16h you will have the opportunity to access this free conference, offered by Philippe Szombat at the Madrid Campus. The entrance is free but the capacity is limited, so if you are interested, you should sign up as soon as possible through the following link. About The Speaker: Philippe Szombat is an entrepreneur, sales expert, coach of vendors and coach specializing in entrepreneurship, startups and scale-ups. He Has worked 15 years for Fortune Global 500 companies such as XEROX, HP, Unisys and Oracle. Co-founder of TweetWall Pro (now SocialWall Pro), he garnered hits worldwide with clients such as The Voice, Mobile World Congress, Obama and co-founder of Twitter Biz Stone. In 2013 he founded BrightBiz, helping hundreds from startups to achieve success. They Usually count on him to form the juries of competitions of international startups, and many that recognize him like the guru of the sales in the enterprising ecosystem. Speaks 5 languages, including Castilian. Need more information? Here's all the details.