Directorate-General of Industry and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises The process of establishing and starting up a company is a difficult task, not because of its complexity, but also because of the industriousness of the procedure to formalize the Constitution. Before starting with the administrative procedures it is necessary to analyze the business idea and develop the project. In this way it will be possible to make a study of its viability and to select the appropriate legal form. The DGIPYME offers a business simulator for certain sectors of activity that evaluates the level of maturity in the management. It Also allows the entrepreneur to describe and analyze the technical, economic and financial viability of his project, offering him, moreover, the possibility of translating his idea into different economic scenarios, through the realization of a Company Plan. Finally, before creating a company, the entrepreneur needs to know the corporate type that best suits his needs. To this end, DGIPYME puts at its disposal a guided environment that facilitates the choice of the legal form and provides information about each one of them. The creation of a company can be carried out in person and for some types of mercantile companies, in a telematic way. For The latter case, the CIRCE program allows the creation of the following corporate forms through telematics: individual Entrepreneur (self-employed), Limited Liability Company (SRL), New Company Limited Partnership (SLNE) and Community of goods. We inform You of the process of incorporation and the procedures to follow for the start up of the company both in person and in a telematic form. It Also gives access to the map of the Points of Attention to the Entrepreneur (PAE) to which the entrepreneur can go when seeking advice. Finally, information is provided on the aid and incentives for the creation of companies convened by the public administrations and related agencies. (CLICK HERE AND YOU WILL FIND ALL THE INFORMATION ENLARGED)