We recommend some books for entrepreneurs that will help you better understand the business world and also to overcome both personal and work. You have No more excuses, it's time to start reading! 1. The Black Book of the Entrepreneur – Fernando Trías (2007) where he analyzes the key factors of failure and defines the traits that a real entrepreneur must have to be able to make an idea known in an innovative way. 2. How to win friends and influence People-Dale Carnegie, treats the basic philosophies of working and dealing with people. Most successful businesses are built by people who are excellent cultivators of relationships. 3. Lean Startup – Eric-Ries, focus on business creation and customer projects. 4. Little Capitalist Pig-Sofia Macías, to improve your personal finances. 5. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey, seven habits with examples of everyday life in order to see things differently, to succeed and pass it on to others. It invites Us to be better leaders, professionals and even better people. 6. Let'S Go Ahead-Sheryl Sandberg, has personal anecdotes, statistics and various circumstances of the everyday life of women in business. The Book is not generalized only cases that must be seen from the other side of the coin. 7. Think and get Rich-Napoleon Hill, the main thing is goal setting. 8. The Psychology of Selling-Brian Tracy, the key to a good deal is a good sales technique. Not only Do you have to sell your product, you also have to sell yourself and your idea. 9. Zero to One-Peter Thiel, focuses on how you can leverage technology to build a future business, and imposes the importance of knowing what you are doing before you dive into a startup. 10. The Entrepreneur's Handbook-Steve Blank & Bob Dorf (2013), is a complete manual to guide the entrepreneur step by step in the process of creating and promoting a company and do it successfully.