Sustainable Entrepreneurship Workshop | MADRID-12 DEC

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In order to know the keys to start a sustainable business from the legal, social and economic field, in this workshop you will learn to revise the elements of sustainable entrepreneurship.  We will see the importance of understanding stakeholders and value chains, as well as continuing to resolve the question of how to identify and evaluate opportunities related to sustainability and how to analyze assumptions and understand the needs of Users. In Addition, you will review the different ways to access financial support from informal sources such as friends and family, as well as from formal sources such as banks, venture capital investors, and public institutions. Day and Time: Tuesday, December 12th, from 10am to 13h. Place: Vivero de Vicálcaro. C/Villablanca, 85. 28032 Madrid. Program:

  • What is sustainability? Why the sustainability? Considerations
  • What are sustainable business solutions?
  • Why sustainable entrepreneurship?
  • Converting consumers into producers.
  • Interest Groups and value chains.
  • Identifying opportunities.
  • From idea to Solution: Design Thinking.
  • Making Solutions prototypes. Evaluating Solutions. Testing Solutions.
  • 12 ways to add design thinking to your project
  • Communicating Solutions
  • Funding the solution.
  • Where do things fail? Business Plan.

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