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The FinTech is the answer to non-covered needs by the traditional banking sector to the claimants of financial products and services. Startups based on new technologies that seek to capture part of the market dominated by large banks, which are often uninnovative or slow in adopting new innovative solutions, as well as understanding and providing services with new solutions Financially to their customers. The banking industry has traditionally been based on the relationship between the manager and the client with ubiquitous distribution networks (offices). Eight years Ago, in Spain there were 40,565 bank branches of which today there are only 27,863 (the same number as there were in 1987). The Fintech offer an innovative service, totally digital (paperless), cheap and operational 24 hours a day from any device. O
bviously, traditional entities are trying to close the door to new starters, accelerating their transformation into the digital world. They Have a huge resources: money, experience and technology. They Lack however a critical variable: time, and are losing another very valuable: talent.
The talent that they are able to attract and the speed at which these transformations are happening are the main advantages of startups that are able to develop services in days or weeks compared to the months or years of traditional banks. Will startups Be fast enough to enter through the door while open or will banks be able to close it in time? Among the main keys to understand the FinTech Revolution, the following are noteworthy: 1. Changing Consumer Preferences 2. Speed 3. Flexibility 4. Transparency 5. Comfort 6. Weakened Image of traditional banking 7. Increased presence of millennials and digital natives 8. More offer 9. More customer orientation than the productoMayor offer 10. Increase in the number of people with internet access The newspaper El ReFerenta has carried out an exhaustive analysis of all the platforms linked to the sector Este 2017 and draws the following conclusions: From The total of startups identified (275) 18% lacks Activity (50). More than half of the identified startups have been founded in the last 4 years. 35% of the fintech have been founded in Madrid against 20% of Barcelona.