THE Mutual accident for self-employed

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Choosing the mutual is a compulsory procedure when starting the activity as an individual entrepreneur in certain specific circumstances (see the Statute of the complete Autonomous). We Have the possibility to choose between a total of 20 mutuals integrated in the Association of Mutual Accidents of Work, AMAT. To begin with, a mutual is an association of non-profit entrepreneurs, which collaborates with the Social Security System, and which has been authorized by the Ministry of Employment and Social Security to, according to your quotation:-To Manage the Occupational accidents and diseases and the prevention of occupational hazards and improving working and health conditions in enterprises. -To Cover the economic benefit of Temporary Disability due to Common Contingencies. -To Cover the protection by cessation of activity of the autonomous workers. When you register as a freelancer, you will have to choose what contingencies you want to quote, and pay accordingly. The choice of a Mutual of occupational Accidents and Occupational Diseases of Social Security is compulsory. As A freelancer, you are obligated to cover common contingencies while you have the option to decide if you also want to cover your professional contingencies. This statement has one exception: If you are considered an economically dependent self-employed person (the one who invoices more than 75% of your sales to a single customer) or you do a high-risk job, it is compulsory that you also cover the professionals . In any case it is necessary to formalize with the mutual by means of the subscription of the document of accession to the same one which has a temporal validity of one year, extendable for annual periods, unless expressly waived duly notified before 1 October Of the previous year to which the accession is to be effective. This document contains the following data:

  •  The rights and duties of the worker and the mutual.
  •  The date and time the effects of accession are born and extinguished.
  •  Personal data of the worker
  •  The Scheme and social Security number of the worker.

What benefits does the Mutual manage?

If you only quote for Common Contingencies, your mutual covers the following benefits:

A. 1) temporary disability Allowance (low-period subsidy), which occurs as a result of a non-occupational accident or common illness, that is, those diseases that are not the result of your job. You will be entitled to your medical condition and on request to:

-During The first 3 days there is no entitlement to the subsidy.

-From The 4th to the 20th day of the medical fall, the amount will be calculated applying 60% of the contribution base * of the month prior to the medical fall.

-From the 21st day of the medical leave, the subsidy will be of 75% of the contribution base * of the month before the medical fall.

A. 2) risk Allowance during pregnancy and lactation: it covers the loss of income of the pregnant or lactating worker in cases where, having to change jobs (by influencing this negatively in her health, in the fetus or infant) , on the other hand compatible with its state, that change is not technically or objectively possible or cannot reasonably be demanded for justified reasons. In this case, they must comply with the requirements that they establish and the conditions of the subsidy are the same as in the case of employed workers.

B) If You have also chosen to cover your Professional Contingencies, that is to say, the derivative of accidents or illnesses produced at work or because of it, the mutual covers the following benefits:

B. 1) Work accident Allowance. Percentage

B. 2) Occupational sickness Benefit (the one contracted as a result of self-employed work and which must be included in the list of occupational diseases (AMAT, “New Occupational Disease Chart. What the employer should know “pages 71 to 129; Recovered from or that is caused by the action of substances or elements that the listing indicates for each disease. Diseases not reflected in the table, but which have been contracted at work, may be considered as a work accident. Percentage

IMPORTANT NOTE: In case you had been discharged as a freelancer and you would not have chosen to cover your professional coverage, as these are optional, you have until October 1 of each year to request, in writing, that you add these, filling Effects on January 1 of the following year. C) After the entry into force of Law 5/2010 on the cessation of self-employment, mutuals are also responsible for the management of the cessation of activity, or what is the same, stoppage of the self-employed. This benefit is voluntary and economic and has the purpose of regulating the specific system of protection for self-employed workers who temporarily or definitively cease in their economic or professional activity. This coverage reaches the self-employed persons included in the Special Scheme for the Social Security of self-employed persons, as well as self-employed persons included in the Special Scheme for the Social Security of Workers in the Sea. You Can see the complete information, amounts, period, etcetera here + Info: Law 32/2010, of 5 August, by which establishes a specific system of protection for cessation of activity of the autonomous workers. Law 35/2014, of 26 December, by which modifies the consolidated text of the General Law of the Social Security in relation to the juridical system of the Mutuals of Accidents of Work and Professional Illnesses of the Social Security. One more week, we hope to clarify interesting doubts, and see you in January with more useful information. While We remind you that you are in time to enroll in our V Company Creation Program #emprendeUNED19 Happy Year 2019!