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As a second part to what is published in the tools section of this blog last week, we continue with a topic of great importance today: the importance of deciding between blog/web to boost our business and personal brand. Web pages and blogs are tools that will help us in our business, but first of all we must know what objectives we intend to achieve and what resources we have. That is Why, in addition to what was mentioned in our insertion last week, and before we opt for one or the other, we must know what advantages each one offers. Here are some of the differences between the two tools:

  • Search engines better position the content of blogs than the websites and the more active your blog, more blogs visit and more comment on them, better SEO will reach.
  • When it comes to creating a blog, inserting social networks, updating the contents, etc. It is easier to do it in blogs, because, in the case of the Web, you will need the help of the programmers who created it.
  • The migration of data on a custom-made Web is simple and smooth, something that is complicated in the case of blogs.
  • The vulnerability is much lower in the webs, because they have a security and protection greater than the blogs.
  • Interactivity, feedback and the sense of community membership in blogs generates credibility and confidence that can make readers become customers.
  • There Are paid blogs, but most are free, so the economic factor ends up being a very important factor when opting for a blog or a website, usually paid.

In terms of security, to avoid information leakage and protect your website, it may be useful to use specific software aimed at detecting your vulnerabilities. These Are applications that usually serve the different operating systems (Windows, Unix/Linux and Mac OS) and offer a working interface except in some cases where you have to work with commands. They Vary in use difficulty, penetration capacity and analysis speed when scanning large networks or individual equipment.  In The network there are many resources in this sense (Arachni, Graber, Grendel-Scan, Nessus, Nikto, Nmap, Ratproxy, Skipfish, SQLMap, Vega, Wapiti, Wfuzz, Zed Attack Proxy, etc.) To finish we want to recommend some free SEO tools that can be useful to optimize your blog/web, check broken links, review keywords, analyze the competition, choose the best SEO strategy and get the visibility index SEO (Google tools like Google Search Console, Keyword Planner, Google AdWords, Google Trends or Google Analytics, or others such as MOZ, Searchmetrics, SEMrush, Sistrix, Xovi, etc.). Let's Hope it helped! Entrepreneurship Area COIE/UNED  

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