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It Is a free public-private initiative promoted by the Ministry of Economy and Business and the Spanish Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CEPYME) to promote success in the processes of transmission of small and medium businesses through the Establishment of an online market that makes available to all the people interested and involved a set of services: information, advice and management in order to facilitate the sale or purchase of small businesses or microenterprises. It Is focused on making viable, apparently traumatic, situations such as generational respite, the search for new business opportunities, the change of professional orientation or geographical mobility. The City Council of Madrid is one of the entities adhered to the program, through the General Directorate of Commerce and Entrepreneurship, within the framework of its commitment of integral support to the enterprise and with the objective to facilitate the continuity of viable companies but in Danger of disappearing from problems other than economic: generational relay, sickness, change of address, etc. The Single Window of the Entrepreneur (VUEM) is the Point of Care (PDA) that will offer the basic services to the natural or legal persons interested in the business buying processes in the municipality of Madrid, requesting a previous appointment through this Questionnaire If You have doubts about how this service works, you can see an explanatory video here All the details here