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«Spanish Live Project» by UNED
This is the interactive web page of the poster «virtual service-learning: a proposal for digital society» presented on the 2nd European Conference on Service-Learning in Higher Education. Here you can find more information about the project.
(video - activate subtitles)

SPANISH LIVE PROJECT INTERNATIONAL NETWORK (partnerships): - Strathmore University (Kenia) - Abomey-Calavi University (Benín) - Porto Novo University. School of Education (Benín) - Dschang University (Cameroon)
The recognition of learning in different scenarios and the redesign of learning environments are the main challenges for higher education. Therefore, methodologies are promoted, such as service-learning (SL), capable of creating practical and real experiences and closing the gap between the learning generated in the classroom and its application in the real world. «Live Spanish» entails online interaction between Spanish university students and different universities in Africa, which students need to improve oral communicative competences in Spanish. The idea of developing a SL project that articulates the needs of African students with the development of generic ethical competences and civic commitment (above all concerning global citizenship) of Spanish students through the network arose from the lack of quality pedagogical resources and the need of African students to improve their «spoken» Spanish. The use of the virtual scenario facilitates extreme SL proposals in which both actors, African and Spanish, are able to put into practice communicative, digital, intercultural and ethical competences to address a specific problem: learning Spanish as a second language.
* Project's Awards: - Fist prize of "good practices" in knowledge transfer (by Facultad Padre Ossó; Medicus Mundi & Agencia Asturiana de Cooperación Internacional) - Price RAGALO (by Valencia University)