GICUNED Activity report: course 2020-2021
GICUNED Activity Report: Course 2020-2021 Activity report Sway
What is R and what is it for?
Doctoral thesis defense
Javier González Encinas has defended his doctoral thesis on November 26, 2020: “Self-characterization technique: study of reliability, consistency measures, convergence with the grid technique and ability to establish individual differences” with an outstanding Cum Laude. Congratulations Javier. Another doctor at GICUNED
2021 We begin an international study on healthy habits
In January 2021 we will begin to develop the following funded international study on health promotion: Identification of relevant psychological variables in the acquisition and maintenance of healthy habits in a pandemic situation (2020-085-UNED-PROY) Project financed through the UNED Plan for Institutional Strengthening, Development Cooperation and SDG 2020
GICUNED Activity report: course 2019-2020
GICUNED Activity Report: Course 2019-2020 Activity report Sway
Constructivist psychotherapy training
The Spanish Association of Constructivist Psychotherapies (ASEPCO) offers the following training throughout the year 2021 for all those interested.