The cognitive conflicts role in mental health: implications for therapeutic change. It is studied the cognitive conflict role in mental heal, defined as that psychological conflict that arises in the subject before the desire to leave an unpleasant situation (in some cases symptomatology), but construed with positive connotations (that have to do with the own definition of the subject); so that abandon represent a difficult and threat for identity subject. Conventionally, that difficult faced with such a change, it has been understood as resistance.
A theoretical based is proposed from a constructivist view, it is defined three cognitive conflicts types, and it is presented a methodology for the identification and assessment through G. A. Kelly (1955) Repertory Grid Technique.
It is presented two empiric studies. In the first, it is studied the presence of this conflict in a non-clinical sample (n=322) comparing it with a clinical sample (n = 284). The second study show the develop of these conflicts in a clinical sample that have passed psychotherapy process (n =87) and it is related with symptomatology evolution.
This research project is placed on constructivist epistemology frame. The effort of constructivist researcher for understands the meaning construction process has focused in their procedures on the assessment of personal construct. One of the techniques most used in Spain for this purpose if Kelly’s Repertory Grid Technique (1955/1991a).
The Repertory Grid Technique is an assessment instrument created by George Kelly (1955) for asses the personal meaning dimensions and structures. In this work it is presented the results of systemic bibliometric review covering 1955 to 2013, using bibliometric indexes that allow scientific activity assessment. Following an explicit methodology, 61 different sources were managed, including search formal and informal criteria. After deleting non pertinent and duplicated references, 3169 documents have been recovered: 1756 papers, 667 doctoral thesis, 564 book’s chapter, and 187 books. Data are presented about bibliometrics indexes, scientific productivity, scientific collaboration and thematic with the next objectives: (a) to know the group of data bases more appropriated for satisfying information needs as well as analyse the coverage, overlap and singularity of the information sources, (b) examining research trajectories, journal deviation, the publication idiom, more productive authors, countries and principal institutions, (c) deepen in the dynamic and social structure that emerge when is analysing the collaborations between authors, countries, and institutions, and (d) explore the document type and the knowledge areas where repertory grid technique is has been used.
The bibliometric indexes enable the quantitative analysis of scientific productivity, as it appears widely collected in the literature and, therefore, the analysis of the impact that said production has had within the same scientific community is representative to make decision-making in the area of scientific policy feasible, facing subsequent lines of relevant research, and which can serve as a basis for directing and improving the quality of future research work.
The research of body imagen in cancer patients is most important given its epidemiological relevance and psychosocial consequences for women. The body image is a predictor of psychosocial adjustment in cancer and a risk factor in depression. The breast cancer patients experimenting her body image as a source of stress related to perceived asymmetry, which interferes with the different daily life ambits. This research explores the utility Repertory Grid Technique as instrument to assess the body image in breast cancer women from patient’s perspective. To do this, the body image that the patients construe after surgical intervention and the assessment they make of it are identified. The concurrent validity of the body self-esteem indices provided by the Repertory Grid Technique is studied, and the information obtained is qualitatively analysed through the creation of a classification system of content categories of the body constructs.
A midpoint of XX century, George A. Kelly develops the Personal Construct Theory (TCP, Kelly, 1955/1991). In it explores the process through which the person gives up sense to its own experience. The TCP is grounded in the structures and processes study where it is developing the group of personal meaning that make sense to the experience.
Different assessments strategies have tried to delve into these structures and process of meaning, some with more success than others, such as Repertory Grid Technique and Self-Characterization, respectively (Saúl et al., 2012; González-Encinas et al., 2019).
The Self-Characterization is a narrative technique where the person assessed describes himself in third person description, seeking a positive view of self. It has raised as a useful tool in the clinic frame but has not had an empiric development as marked as Repertory-Grid Technique.
This research started with the premise: 1-2 create an analysis protocol of self-characterization text that will respect the original protocol and will integrate different current strategies for narrative analysis, 3-submi it to reliability analysis, 4- analysing the convergent validity with Repertory Grid Technique and, 5- to see in which manner it was able to show individual differences. To do this, it was carried out a study in a 120 people sample. The result about reliability shown that the analysis protocol, structure in five steps (dimensional analysis, most security area, terms repeated, cause-effect sentences, imagoes and thematic), were excellent with a range (0.827-0.912). Both techniques principally convergent with self-construction measures, showing coherent relationship between with each other. The Self-Characterization achieved to present significant different for the most variables studied, being more pronounced when attending to the marital status.