
What is PsychLab?​

PsychLab is a virtual laboratory on psychological change developed by the UNED Constructivist Research Group. This laboratory contains tools for the exploration of the System of Personal Meanings, evaluation of its structure, representation of the system through Fuzzy Cognitive Maps and its dynamics of change through behavior graphs vs. time that allow us to simulate the evolution of the System through mathematical modeling and identify psychological obstacles that hinder change.

Who is it directed to?

It is an open use space for researchers, clinicians, students and users in general who want to explore the structure and dynamics of the Personal Meaning System of an individual or patient.



What is it used for?​

It is an ideal space for those who want to study, evaluate and explore psychological change. It presents a large number of analyzes and evaluation indices and an experimentation space, in which you can explore how the System would evolve if changes are made to the chosen constructs.

How is it used?​

Account Creation and Access to PsychLab​

Para crear una cuenta en Psychlab inicia sesión en la parte superior derecha de la pantalla de inicio

Patient management and administration

 Esta funcionalidad nos permite guardar un registro de estas personas y de su información asociada.

Import a RepGrid

En el PsychLab para generar una rejilla tenemos que ir a Pacientes,  Seleccionar el paciente que queremos evaluar y añadir la rejilla.


Import a WimpGrid

Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

Fuzzy Cognitive Maps creation

Self Monitoring

Two-dimensional and three-dimensional analysis

Autodigraph Analysis

Digraph of the Ideal

Indices of Self-Construction

Frequently asked questions​