Luis Botella is a PhD of Psychology and Professor at the Blanquerna School of Psychology, Sciences of Education and Sports (FPCEE) (Ramon Llull University, Barcelona). He is Specialist Psychologist in Clinical Psychology and Psychologist Specialist in Psychotherapy. The focus of his research is to advance the understanding of the human processes of creation of meaning and construction and reconstruction of identity. The main theoretical sources of inspiration for him are constructivism, social constructionism, the Psychology of Personal Constructs and the Therapy. In his research projects and studies, he uses and supports a methodological pluralism that combines quantitative and qualitative methods such as Discourse Analysis and Narrative Analysis. His various studies include the process of construction of meaning in psychotherapy (process and outcome) and other areas of human experience, such as cognitive complexity, body image and identity narratives.
Psychologist Specialist in Psychotherapy. EuroPsy European Certificate in Psychology. Area of Practice: Clinical and Health. (EFPA/COP). Accredited Psychotherapist, former President and Didactic Supervisor of the Spanish Association of Cognitive Psychotherapies (ASEPCO), member of the Spanish Federation of Associations of Psychotherapists (FEAP).
Member of the Spanish School of Psychotherapy. Member of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Member and national representative in Spain of the Committee of Regional Networks of the Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration.
My lines of research focus on the study of narrative and constructivist psychotherapy and its processes, especially the efficacy of therapy or its influence on cognitive variables. He has developed studies with different qualitative methodologies (narrative analysis, grounded theory, thematic analysis) and quantitative-qualitative, especially the repertory grid technique and its sensitivity to therapeutic change. Another focus of my work is the study of violence, especially the work with victims, an area in which he also applies analysis procedures based on the repertory grid technique or narrative analysis. I have also worked in the field of personality psychology and the relationships between its various levels, including the identity-narrative. I have recently started a line of study based on moments of innovation, a model for predicting the success-failure of the narrative-based therapeutic process, and I have focused on the measurement of Euclidean distance as an indicator of change in the grid, as well as on the analysis of the self-characterization technique, as well as the application of narrative and thematic analysis to the counselling of women facing high-risk pregnancies.
I have been director of European Convergence (2004-2008) and Curricula (2008-2009) of the University of Seville, being responsible for the adaptation of undergraduate degrees to the EHEA and Dean of the Faculty of Psychology (2011-2015).
In the docent area I teach in subjects related to psychotherapy and intervention in violence in the degree in psychology, official masters and own titles. I am General Health Psychologist by homologation, as well as psychotherapist accredited by the Spanish Association of Constructivist Psychotherapies-FEAP and didact of said association, which I presided in the period 2008-2014.
I am an associate member of the TAOS Institute, the leading international think-thank for works on social constructivism and of the George Kelly Society, an international body dedicated to the promotion of the psychology of personal constructs.
My training is in engineering and psychology with a Ph.D. in psychometrics from the University of Bremen, Germany. Currently, I work as a data scientist for Deutsche Bahn (German railway company) but still continue with academic research part-time. My main interest is applying advanced statistical methods to psychological phenomena. Here, my main focus is the repertory grid method. I founded the OpenRepGrid project which has the goal to supply specialized software to analyze repertory grid and related data. Besides my publication and software activities, I serve as an ad-hoc reviewer for several journals and as an editorial board member for the Journal of Constructivists psychology.
Gloria Margarita Gurrola Peña is PhD in Psychological Research by the Universidad Iberoamericana México, professor-researcher at the Faculty of Behavioural Sciences of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. She is a member of the National System of Researchers Level I, Leader of the National Network of Studies in Violence and Health and member of the International Network of Studies in Personal Meanings. She is the author of books; book chapters and national and international articles and her areas of research are personal meanings in vulnerable populations and the impact of violence on mental health.
PhD in Psychological Research from the Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA, Mexico). Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology (1995) and Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology (1990) from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEMex, Mexico) and Postdoctoral stay at the University of Barcelona, under the tutelage of PhD. Guillem Feixas Viaplana. Full-time professor-researcher at UAEMex, since 2001 and previously, with administrative position at that university.
Docent in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in different UAEMex programs and by invitation in other universities. Coordinator of the PhD in Psychology of the UAEMex and previously, Coordinator of the Master in Psychology and the PhD in Sciences (UAEMex). Member of the Consolidated Academic Body of Clinical and Family Research (SEP, reg. CA-079), focused on Health Psychology, whose results have been presented in national and international academic forums and published in academic journals or in joint or individual chapters and books.
Author and collaborator in various projects funded by various entities, related to health, violence and well-being. Professors with Desirable Profile, distinction granted by the Ministry of Public Education (2001 to 2022). Member of the National System of Researchers, distinction granted by the National Council of Science and Technology, since 2014, being renewed on different occasions and in force until 2024, as a Level I researcher.
PhD in Psychology and Master’s Degree in Child and Adolescent Psychopathology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Master’s Degree in Social Cognitive Therapy from the University of Barcelona. He has a clinical psychologist accreditation in Chile and Spain
He has extensive experience in research and psychotherapy with various scientific publications in the area. His main areas of research are: 1) Research in psychotherapy processes, and 2) Chronic diseases and temporal profiles.
PhD in Mental Health by Concepción University, Chile.
Post-doctoral Researcher at the Centre for Studies of Food Behaviour (CECA), Adolfo Ibáñez University, Santiago de Chile.
Her area of specialization is excess malnutrition and the variables associated with eating behaviours that favour overeating and weight re-gain.
Miguel Ángel Arana Morales is a Marketing, Interactive Media Design diplomate by Northumbria University, with Master Degrees in UX Online Marketing Expert on Internet by Nielsen Group, and in Mass Communication Management by Northumbria University.
He is highly qualified and experienced in the technology and data science fields. With a solid background in engineering and oriented towards Big Data and Analytics, he has developed a career focused on technical improvement through the application of innovative and efficient solutions.
His business orientation and ability to lead teams through complex projects, has allowed him to succeed in the corporate world. Thanks to his knowledge on data science and technology, he has implemented practical and profitable solutions for different companies operating in diverse fields.
He has also contributed to the fight against addictions through the application of effective methodologies for patients suffering from addiction.
In summary, his profile combines abilities in data science and technology with a his business orientation and social commitment.