
About us
We are a Technological Center, integrated in the UNED (National University of Distance Education), in the Associated Center of Tudela , specialized in the development of software for network management, based on quality models. We have 15 years of experience in the development and implementation of systems in different national entities.
Our goal is to provide the necessary tools to facilitate management, focused on usability, simplicity and resource optimization.
Our applications are 100% web, accessible from any device and with ease of implementation.
Our interfaces are oriented to usability, simplicity and friendly appearance with modern interaction systems.
We provide advanced technical support to the user and monitoring to guarantee the service.
The tools are customizable and have been implemented in very different scenarios.

Our applications
Integral solution for online training management: Registration, payments, certification, presence control, dissemination, messaging, stationery.
It is an integral solution for any process management, based on flow diagrams and quality models.
System that facilitates the auditing process, the emphasis on the fulfillment of objectives and the monitoring of progress.
Other apps
Personnel management, Scale, Electronic signature, Document management, Inventory, etc.

UNED Tudela
qInnova is integrated in the UNED of Tudela. UNED is the University with the most students in Spain, with more than 200,000 students per year.
We have the EFQM 500+ certification and we are ISO 27001 certified in regard to security . Our applications facilitate the implementation of these certifications.
Cathedra of Quality
The Technological Center has the support of the City of Tudela Quality Chair that provides the conceptual part in the validation of Quality Systems.
The UNED of Tudela has different awards, among others: Gold in the Ibero-American Quality Award 2017, ItWorldEdu 2010, Social Council Award of the UNED 2014, Navarro Award for Excellence 2014.
Contact us
Would you like to know more about our applications? Get in touch with us, the UNED of Tudela. We have a customer service from 8:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday, or if you prefer you can fill in the following form and we will write you as soon as possible.