General information and News

The International Conference Youth Activisms took place on October 24th and 25th, providing a space for discussion and reflection on the current dynamics of youth activism. Throughout the sessions, engaging debates and presentations were held, allowing for the exchange of insights and advances in this field of study.

While we continue working on our research and future publications, this conference has been a meaningful conclusion to the Youth Activism project.



  • We will have simultaneous translation from Spanish to English and from English to Spanish in some sessions.

    Although more detailed information will be sent to those who attend and participate in the International Conference, here are some essential guidelines for using the simultaneous translation service:

    – Simultaneous translation will be carried out through personal mobile devices.
    – You will need to download the Zoom Workplace application on your mobile phone.
    – Prepare your headphones. It is very important that you bring your own headphones and have them connected to your mobile device before starting.
    – The link we will send you is only for those attending in person and using the simultaneous translation, so we kindly ask that you do not share the link.

  • You can now consult the complete conference program and overview timetable here.

  • The detailed program with the schedule of presentations and lectures will be published soon.
  • The Conference will be held at the Faculty of Humanities of the UNED. In the following link you will find information about the address and how to get there:
    As far as communications are concerned, the nearest metro/subway line is line 3 (yellow line) at Moncloa station (it is a metro and bus interchange). From Moncloa to the faculty is a 20-minute on foot, or you can take bus A, which takes 5 minutes. As for accommodation areas that are close to the Conference or have good public transport links, we recommend Moncloa, Chamberí, Argüelles, Manzanares, Puerta del ángel or Arganzuela.
  • We would like to inform you that coffee breaks are covered by the Conference budget. For lunch on the 24th and 25th, we would like to inform you that there is a cafeteria-bar in the same building with very affordable prices (the menu is just over 7 euros), and that there are vegetarian and vegan meal options.



1.- Participation in the conference

Participation in the conference is free of charge, but both presenters and attendees must fill in the registration form available on the conference website.

2.- Conference venue

The conference will be held in Madrid at the National University of Distance Education (UNED).

3.- Conference languages

The languages of the conference are Spanish and English. Proposals may be submitted in either language.

4.- Keynotes speakers

At the moment, the participation of the following Keynotes Speakers has been confirmed:

  • Geoffrey Pleyers. Professor at the Université Catholique de Louvaine. Specialist in social movements, youth participation. President of the International Sociological Association
  • Sarah Pickard. Professor at l’Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3. Specialist in new forms of youth participation, climate activists and youth protest. Convenor Political Studies Association (PSA) Young People’s Politics specialist group.

5.- Conference proceedings

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings in digital and Open Access format. The proceedings will be accessible for download from the conference website, the UNED repository, other repositories and open access academic platforms (Zenodo, Academia, Research Gate…).

6.- Key dates

Submission of proposals (abstracts) Until 12 June
Confirmation of acceptance of proposals Until 15 June
Send full text Until 1 September
Revision of full texts Until 20 September
Sending final texts Until 1 October
Final programme 1 October
Celebration Conference 24-25 October

7.- Organising and Scientific Committee

The conference has an organising committee :

  • Jorge Benedicto ( IP ) UNED
  • Yolanda Agudo. UNED
  • Gomer Betancor. UNED
  • Javier Gil. UNED
  • Laura Fernandez de Mosteyrin. UNED
  • Federico Rossi. UNED
  • Juan Carlos Revilla. UCM
  • Emma Gómez Nicolau. UJI
  • Roger Soler. UAB
  • Josué Gutierrez. ULL

And a Scientific Committee made up of national and international experts:

  • Geoffrey Pleyers. U. Leuven. Belgium
  • Sarah Pickard. Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3. France
  • Benjamin Tejerina. U. Basque Country. Spain
  • Enrique Hernandez. University of Extremadura. Spain
  • Melina Vazquez. U. Buenos Aires. Argentina
  • Martin Portos. U. Carlos III Madrid. Spain
  • Gema Garcia Albacete. U. Carlos III Madrid. Spain
  • Camila Ponce. U. Margurb. Germany
  • Raúl Zarzuri. U. Academy of Christian Humanism. Chile

8.- Contact

All information on the organisation of the conference can be found on the Youth Activisms website: 


Departamento de Sociología II
Proyecto PID2020-117529RB-I00 financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades


Grupo de Estudios sobre Sociedad y Política (UCM-UNED)