Recent participations
The updated and complete information on the participations is available in Mercedes Alonso-Ramos ResearhGate profile (INOOC coordinator)
“Innovative Social Approach in the Nuclear Sector: a MOOC on Nuclear Safety Culture within H2020 ANNETTE Project” Mercedes Alonso-Ramos, Ángeles Sánchez-Elvira, Javier Sanz Gozalo, David Abarca Ahijado, Álvaro Pablo Muñoz Rodrigo, Fernando González González, Tiberio Feliz Murias & Manuel Castro. IEEE Learning with MOOCS 2018 congress, Madrid, 26-28 sept 2018.
«NOOCs para una Cultura de Seguridad. Una propuesta innovadora del Proyecto ANNETTE-Horizonte 2020» Mercedes Alonso-Ramos, Ángeles Sánchez-Elvira, Javier Sanz Gozalo, David Abarca Ahijado, Álvaro Pablo Muñoz Rodrigo, Fernando González González, Tiberio Feliz Murias & Manuel Castro. 44ª Spanish Nuclear Society Annual Meeting, Ávila, Spain, 26-28 sept 2018.
Alonso, M. and Martín, S. (2016). 8th ENEN Special Event. Sustainable education in nuclear engineering in a changing world: the role of open education (as MOOCs) and blended learning. “E-learning and MOOCs for nuclear education and training”. JRC Geel, Belgium, 3-3-2016
Alonso-Ramos, M., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A., Merino Moreno, and González Aure, N. (2016). Design and Implementation of an Online Course on Nuclear Knowledge Management in Spanish. Third International Conference on Knowledge Nuclear Management. IAEA, 7-11 Noviembre, Vienna
Alonso-Ramos, M., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A., Martín, S., Castro Gil, M. and Sanz Gozalo, J. (2016). Digital Innovation and Nuclear Engineering Education in UNED: Challenges, Trends and Opportunities. Third International Conference on Knowledge Nuclear Management. IAEA, 7-11 Noviembre, Vienna
Alonso-Ramos, M., Benavent Sendra, J., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A., Castro Gil, M. (2016). Co-creación de contenidos en abierto con metodología de MOOCs con alumnos de ingeniería industrial sobre el accidente de Fukushima »/ MOOC methodology co-creation of open contents on Fukushima accident with Energy Engineering students, VIII Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Innovación Docente de la UNED/VIII Conference of UNED Research Networks on Academic Innovation. Instituto Universitario de Educación a Distancia (IUED). Madrid, 15-16 June 2016.
Alonso-Ramos, M., Bravo Calvo, S., de la Rosa, S., Muñoz Sánchez, S., Merino Moreno, C., González Aure, N., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A., Castro Gil, M. (2016). Trabajos fin de carrera en Ingeniería Industrial convertidos en una ruta hacia la innovación y la profesionalización»/ Pathway towards innovation and professionalization during the development of final projects in Industrial Engineering, VIII Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Innovación Docente de la UNED/VIII Conference of UNED Research Networks on Academic Innovation. Instituto Universitario de Educación a Distancia (IUED). Madrid, 15-16 June 2016.
Alonso-Ramos, M., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A., Martín, S., Benavent Sendra, J., Bravo Calvo, S. de la Rosa, S. Muñoz Sánchez, S., Sanz Gozalo, J., Castro Gil, M., Merino Moreno, C., González Aure, N. (2016) Innovating nuclear engineering education and training through open and online culture. NESTet2016 (Nuclear Education and Training). European Nuclear Society (ENS). Berlin, May 2016.
Alonso-Ramos, M.; Martin S.; Albert, M.J.; Moriñigo, B.; Rodriguez, M.; Castro, M. (2016). Computer Science MOOCs: a Methodology for the Recording of Videos » EDUCON2016. Proceedings in IEEE XploreÒ. Abu Dhabi. UAE.
Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A.(2016). e-Learning and MOOCs in ANNETTE. ANNETTE project kick-off meeting, Pisa, Italy, 9-10 February.
Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A.(2016). Digital Learning for XXI century learners. An introduction to Sustainable education in nuclear engineering in a changing world: the role of open education (as MOOCs) and blended learning. 8th ENEN Special Event “E-learning and MOOCs for nuclear education and training”. JRC Geel, Belgium, 3-3-2016
Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A.(2016). Enhanced teaching and learning experiences for XXI Century teachers and learners. Satellite event E-learning in Support of Education and Training November 9th. Third International Conference on Knowledge Nuclear Management. IAEA, 7-11 Noviembre, Vienna
Alonso-Ramos, M., Benavent Sendra, J., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A., Barea, F., Sanz Gozalo, J.,, Castro, M. (2015). Aplicación de las nuevas metodologías y herramientas para el aprendizaje en la elaboración de un curso online en abierto sobre el accidente nuclear de Fukushima Dai-ichi /Aplication of new methodologies and learning tools for an open online course on Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear accident. 41st Annual Meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE). A Coruña 23-25 September2015.
Alonso-Ramos, M., Merino, C., González, N., Plaz, R., Conde Collado, J., Bravo Calvo, S., Muñoz Sánchez, S., de la Rosa, S., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A., Sanz Gozalo, J., Castro, M. (2015). Diseño de un curso online sobre Gestión del Conocimiento en las organizaciones del sector nuclear »/Design of an online course on Knowledge Management in organizations of the nuclear sector. 41st Annual Meeting of the Spanish Nuclear Society (SNE). A Coruña 23-25 September 2015.
Alonso-Ramos M., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua A., Merino, C., González, N., Plaz, R., Benavent Sendra, J., Bravo Calvo, S., Muñoz, S., de la Rosa, S., Sanz Gozalo J. Castro Gil Manuel (2015). Innovating nuclear engineering education through open and online culture. The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference 2015: Transforming Higher Education in the 21st century; “Innovating pathways to Learning and Continuous Professional Education”. European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU). Hagen (Alemania) 29-30 October 2015.
Alonso-Ramos, M., Benavent-Sendra, J., Bravo-Calvo, S., González-Romero, E.M., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A., Martin, S., Castro Gil M., Sanz Gozalo, J./2014). MOOCs in Nuclear Engineering – Challenges and Opportunities. ECO Project 1st International Conference « MOOCs : Present and Future. International Perspectives ». UNED. Madrid 28-30 nov 2014. y
M., Alonso-Ramos, Fernández-Luna, A.J., González-Romero, E.M., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A., Castro Gil, M., Ogando, F., Sanz Gozalo, J., Martin, S. (2014). Nuevas herramientas para la comunicación en el campo nuclear: los MOOCs (Cursos Online Masivos en Abierto). Aplicación a la transmutación nuclear”. 40ª Reunión Anual de la SNE, Sociedad Nuclear Española. Valencia 1-3/ October 2014.
Alonso-Ramos, M., Fernández-Luna, A.J., González-Romero, E.M., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A., Castro Gil, M., Ogando, F., Sanz Gozalo, S., Martin, S. (2014). Redesign of a Pilot International Online Course on Accelerator Driven Systems for Nuclear Transmutation to implement a Massive Open Online Course”, IIYNC (International Youth Nuclear Congress). Burgos, 6-11 July 2014.