
Recent publications

The updated and complete information on the publications is available in Mercedes Alonso-Ramos ResearhGate profile (INOOC coordinator)


Merino Moreno, C., Alonso Ramos, M., González Aure, N. & Plaz Landaeta, R.(2018). Gestión del conocimiento en organizaciones del sector nuclear (Knowledge Management in Nuclear Sector Organizations). Madrid: España. Editorial UNED

Journal Articles

Alonso-Ramos, M., Fernández-Luna, A.J., González-Romero, E.M., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A., Castro, M., Ogando, F., Sanz, J. & Martin, S. (2014). Redesign of a pilot international online course on accelerator-driven systems for nuclear transmutation to implement a massive open online course. Journal of Spanish Nuclear Professionals, 354, 46-47



Alonso-Ramos, M., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A., Merino Moreno, and González Aure, N. (2016). Design and Implementation of an Online Course on Nuclear Knowledge Management in Spanish. Third International Conference on Knowledge Nuclear Management. IAEA, 7-11 Noviembre, Vienna

Alonso-Ramos, M., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A., Martín, S., Castro Gil, M. and Sanz Gozalo, J. (2016). Digital Innovation and Nuclear Engineering Education in UNED: Challenges, Trends and Opportunities. Third International Conference on Knowledge Nuclear Management. IAEA, 7-11 Noviembre, Vienna

Alonso-Ramos, M., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A., Martín,  S., Benavent Sendra, J., Bravo Calvo, S. de la Rosa, S. Muñoz Sánchez, S., Sanz Gozalo, J., Castro Gil, M., Merino Moreno, C., González Aure, N. (2016) Innovating nuclear engineering education and training through open and online culture. NESTet2016 (Nuclear Education and Training). European Nuclear Society (ENS). Berlin, May 2016. p. 294-303


Alonso Ramos, M., González Romero, E.M., Ogando Serrano, F., Sanz Gozalo, J., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A. (2013). Filling a gap in the field of GEN IV nuclear reactors E&T by using distance-teaching tools; the development and implementation of a Pilot full-distance course on ADS Systems in the framework of FP7 ENEN-III Project. Proceedings NESTet, European Nuclear Society (ENS). Madrid, 17-21 November 2013 (pp.62-67)

Alonso-Ramos, M., González Romero, E.M., Ogando Serrano, F., Sanz Gozalo, J., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A.(2014). Desarrollo en la plataforma virtual aLF de un curso piloto a distancia internacional en el área de transmutación de residuos radiactivos en el marco del proyecto europeo FP7 ENEN III para cubrir una demanda de formación en reactores nucleares de 4º generación. Proceedings VII Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Innovación Docente de la UNED. 1ª Edición: Madrid, December 2014. ISBN: 978-84-697-2182-7.


Alonso-Ramos, M., Fernández-Luna, A.J., González-Romero, E.M.,  Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A., Castro Gil, M., Ogando, F., Sanz Gozalo, S., Martin, S. (2014). Redesign of a Pilot International Online Course on Accelerator Driven Systems for Nuclear Transmutation to implement a Massive Open Online Course”, IYNC2014. pp. 293-294,  IYNC (International Youth Nuclear Congress). Burgos, 6-11 July 2014.

Alonso Ramos, M., González Romero, E.M., Ogando Serrano, F., Sanz Gozalo, J. (2013). Filling a gap in the field of GEN IV nuclear reactors E&T by using distance-teaching tools; the development and implementation of a Pilot full-distance course on ADS Systems in the framework of FP7 ENEN-III Project. NESTet2013, Madrid, 17-21 November 2013. European Nuclear Society (ENS) conference. Proceedings published on p. 62-71, ISBN 978-92-95064-19-5.

Alonso Ramos, M., González Romero, E.M., Sanz Gozalo, J., Ogando Serrano, F., Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, A. (2013). The approach of blended learning to cope with E&T needs in the nuclear engineering field in an international environment. The experience of the design and implementation of a distance pilot course on Accelerator Driven Systems within FP7 ENEN II project framework”. Reunión Anual SNE, Reus, 25-27 September 2013.