What’s Next? Disruptive/ Collaborative Economy or Business as Usual?


Welcome to the SASE 2017 Meeting App! Here you can view the program, search or browse events scheduled for this meeting, and create your own schedule.


When you arrive at the SASE meeting, be sure to visit the lobby of the J.F. Cier building to check in and receive your conference materials. The registration desk will be open from 3-5pm on Wednesday, June 28th, and from 8am-5:30pm on Thursday and Friday, June 29th and 30th.

Computers and Wi-Fi

You must bring your own laptop if you plan on using a PowerPoint presentation (Macintosh users should bring a standard VGA converter).
Wi-Fi is available campus-wide and each participant will be given a personalized code to join the network with their badge.

Book Exhibit

This year’s book exhibit will be located in the lobby of the Médiathèque building, just behind the registration building.


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