III Congreso Internacional de Orientación Universitaria

"Calibrando brújulas ante la incertidumbre"
Madrid 6, 7 y 8 de septiembre de 2023
Mesa: Visión internacional de la Orientación
- Modera: Luis Carro Sancristóbal (España)
- Participan:
- Gabriela Cabrera (México)
- Mary McMahon (Australia)
- Sachin Kumar (India)
- Tine Andersen (Dinamarca)
- Yuko Ryan (Japón)
- Raza Abbas (Pakistán)
![]() Luis Carro Sancristóbal | |
![]() Gabriela Cabrera López | Doctora en Educación por la Universitat de Barcelona, con estudios de maestría en Desarrollo Organizacional y de licenciatura en Psicología por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), institución donde también labora desde 1992 como académica y orientadora, atendiendo las necesidades de estudiantes desde educación básica hasta nivel posgrado, apoyándolos en sus decisiones vitales como elección de carrera, construcción de plan de vida, rendimiento escolar, identidad personal, cambio de carrera, relaciones interpersonales, independencia del núcleo familiar, sexualidad, violencia de pareja y adaptación escolar, entre otras. Es autora y coautora de libros de texto oficiales sobre Orientación Educativa, Elección de carrera, Formación cívica y ética, Cultura de la legalidad, Civilidad y convivencia universitarias, escritos producto de su experiencia directa con los jóvenes estudiantes, y laborando como formadora de nuevas generaciones de orientadoras y orientadores. |
![]() Mary McMahon | Honorary Associate Professor in the School of Education at The University of Queensland, Australia. She researches and publishes on career development across the lifespan, narrative and systems approaches to career counselling, and qualitative career assessment. Mary received the 2020 Award for Distinguished Contribution to Vocational Designing and Career Counselling presented by the European Society for Vocational Designing and Career Counselling (ESVDC). Mary is the Vice-President of the Career Industry Council of Australia (CICA), the peak body for the career industry in Australia. |
![]() Sachin Kumar | Holds qualifications in Geography, Education, Counselling Psychology, and Training and Development. He has been active in the education and development sector for the last 25 years as a teacher, teacher educator, counsellor, counsellor trainer, researcher, curriculum developer, project planner, and consultant. He is also the President of the Indian Association of Career and Livelihood Planning (IACLP), and the National Correspondent to the International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG). Currently, working as an Associate Professor at the Government Degree College, Shahpur in Himachal Pradesh, India Sachin has recently been elected a member of the Board of Directors of IAEVG. |
![]() Tine Andersen | Works in Study and Career Guidance Denmark. She is a specialist consultant working in the Secretariat of the organization. Tine primarily works with the development of guidance qualifications and skills of the study- and career guidance counselors and the distribution of relevant knowledge within the institution. She is also project manager of several projects on guidance and work with relevant partners at national level. She holds a Master in Anthropology from Aarhus University. Study and Career Guidance Denmark provides guidance to young people in upper secondary education and adults about the choice of higher education, vocational education and prospective career opportunities. It is a national guidance institution within the Ministry of Higher Education and Science and the guidance offered is independent and free of sectional interests. |
![]() Yuko Ryan | Associate Professor, Organization for International Collaboration, Shizuoka University. She holds a MSc Distinction Education for Sustainability (London South Bank University) and a BA degree in Economics (Shizuoka University). Her research interests focus mainly on the following topics: International student migration, Career education and guidance for international students, Comparative research on career education and guidance in the UK and Japan |
![]() Raza Abbas | Earned outstanding international career practitioner awards for his inclusive career development interventions from NCDA and APCDA.. He has inspired countless people on 6 continents of the world. He serves on IAEVG International Board of Directors and Career Guidance for social justice blog managed by Dr. Tristram Hooley. He has also served on the boards of APCDA, and ARACD. He is currently working with a committed working group of global career influencers on Advocating the UN for a Careers & Livelihood Day. He contributes to the Hope Institute as the Vice President an evidence-based model of hope. Main Areas of Work: Capacity Development of Teachers, Counselors, Youth in Career Counseling & Career Development. Multi-stakeholder engagement for career development interventions. Fostering Innovative Career Thinking Dialogues with Parents and children of grades 8-12. Career Coaching for Students, Fresh Graduates, Entrepreneurs, Employees. Consulting in developing career centers from inception to execution. Evidence-based hope capacity development for Teachers, Students, Parents, and Employees |