III International Conference on Guidance at University

Madrid 6, 7 and 8 September 2023

Technical bureau
- Rafael Pérez Herrera



Beatriz Álvarez-González, Professor (Mediation and Family Guidance) at Facultad de Educación. UNED.![]() | Coordinator of the PhD Programme in Education of the International Doctoral School of the UNED, as well as of the research line: Talent Development, Transitions and Guidance throughout life, within the framework of this programme. She leads the Research Group: Educational Guidance, Transitions and Lifelong Guidance (ORIENTAVI, GI118), where several studies on family and professional guidance are being developed, together with the supervision of doctoral theses. Professor Álvarez-González has been in charge and has participated in European projects such as Alfa, Erasmus Mundus, AECID. She has been a visiting professor at the University of Virginia, at the Curry School of Education in the city of Charlottesville (VA), as well as principal researcher linked to the Department of Psychology of the Technical University of Loja (Ecuador), of the Ecuadorian Government (Prometeo Project). She is author and co-author of books, book chapters and peer reviewed research articles published in scientific journals. balvarez@edu.uned.es |
Pedro R. Álvarez Pérez is Associate Professor of Vocational Guidance in the Department of Didactics and Educational Research at Universidad de La Laguna (Spain).![]() | Coordinator of the Guidance and Tutoring area in the Vice-rectorate for Teaching Innovation and Quality; director of the University Guidance and Tutoring Laboratory (LabOri) and coordinator of the Guidance and Tutorial Action Plan (POAT). Director of the University Research Group on Integrated Training and Guidance (GUFOI). His main areas of interest are: academic and professional transitions and trajectories; dropping out and staying in studies; university guidance and tutoring. palvarez@ull.edu.es |
Ana Arraiz Pérez is Associate Professor of MIDE in the Faculty of Education at the Universidad de Zaragoza.![]() | The following are some of the research lines developed over the last few years: Guidance at different stages of people’s educational trajectories. Academic tutoring of university students. The potential of narrative methods to develop people-centred knowledge. aarraiz@unizar.es |
Maria Assumpta Aneas. Teacher of the Orientation Area of the Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education of the Faculty of Education of Universidad de Barcelona.![]() | Coordinator of the consolidated research group in Intercultural Education GREDI. Coordinator of Youth and Intercultural Dialogue of the «European Institute of Education for Democratic Culture of the UCV (ECUDEM). Research lines: Interreligious Dialogue, fight against violence and identity-based discrimination, teacher training in Intercultural Competences for democratic citizenship. aaneas@ub.edu |
Inmaculada Asensio is Associate Professor in the area of MIDE, in the Department of Research and Psychology in Education, Faculty of Education of Universidad Complutense de Madrid.![]() | Member of the Research Group on Measurement and Evaluation of Educational Systems (MESE). She mainly works on research methodology, measurement and evaluation in Education. macu@edu.ucm.es |
Alfredo Berbegal Vázquez is Associate Professor in the area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education in the Department of Education Sciences at the Universidad de Zaragoza.![]() | The training of education professionals in a very generic and transversal way is the backbone of their professional development. There is a constant deepening in those epistemological and methodological aspects that respect in their delimitation the intrinsic complexity of people and their educational, institutional and social realities to embrace as an ethical imperative the usefulness of educational research and innovation in improving people´s quality of life. These interests can be seen in the fields of work developed in recent years: Higher Education (competence references, authentic assessment, digitalisation processes, new training modalities, university guidance and career development) and socio-educational and socio-health scenarios (institutional assessment, needs analysis of programmes, services and professionals, and redefinition of practices and resources for social and personal wellbeing). abrbgal@unizar.es |
Chantal Biencinto López holds a PhD in Philosophy and Educational Sciences (2003) from the Complutense University of Madrid and a BA in Philosophy and Educational Sciences (1996) from said University.![]() | Currently Associate Professor in the IPE Department, Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education at the Faculty of Education-CFP of the UCM. She has three six-year research periods recognised by the CNAI and the last one active at the moment (2016- 2021) and 4 five-year teaching periods with very favourable DOCENTIA evaluations. He has supervised 6 doctoral theses (cum laude qualification unanimously). H-index: 15. i10-index: 18. Teaching experience since 1999 as a pre-doctoral fellow with venia docendi in teaching subjects related to the area of knowledge (MIDE) and assuming coordination tasks. More than 350 hours of training in foreign universities (FPS Cuenca-Ecuador, UES and UTEC El Salvador, UNAPEC Dominican Republic, UAEM Mexico, Southwest University of China). alameda@edu.ucm.es |
Ángel Boza Carreño is Asssociate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of the Universidad de Huelva, Area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education.![]() | He is currently Director of the Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teacher Training at the UHU and lecturer in the speciality of educational guidance. Areas of work: Educational Guidance and Tutoring in general; Education for the Future; Academic Motivation. |
Joaquín-Lorenzo Burguera Condon. PhD. in Pedagogy from the University of Oviedo. Degree in Pedagogy from la Universidad del País Vasco-Euskal![]() | He is a teacher in the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at the University of Oviedo. Area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education. He teaches in the degree in Pedagogy, and in the Master’s Degree in Innovation and Socio-educational Research and the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training in Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training. Her main lines of research focus on Tutoring and Educational Guidance, Assessment in Secondary and Higher Education, Teaching Innovation in Higher Education and Vocational Training and External Practices-Practicum. |
José Luis Cadena Garibay. Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Sciences from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México.![]() | He holds a Master’s degree in Administration with a specialisation in Marketing and a Master’s degree in Educational Technology from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, TM, the latter in conjunction with the University of British Columbia, Canada. He also holds a PhD in Business Studies, specialising in Family Business, from Nebrija University. He has worked in various media as a producer, editor and scriptwriter. He has taught at TM and has participated in educational redesign projects using didactic techniques such as Project Based Learning (POL) and Problem Based Learning (PBL). He was director of Academic Services for the Southern Region of the TM (coordinating the work of six campuses), which included areas such as international programmes, academic operations, accreditations, academic liaison, social formation, institutional information, graduations and educational innovation projects. He currently serves as Leader of Academic Management Experience Design in the National Directorate of Digital Transformation of Academic Services of the Tecnológico de Monterrey, in Monterrey, Mexico. jcadena@tec.mx |
Elvira Carpintero Molina holds a PhD in Psychopedagogy from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Associate Professor of the Department of Research and Psychology in Education of the Faculty of Education of Universidad Complutense de Madrid.![]() | Member of the Adaptive Pedagogy group and the Measurement and Evaluation of Educational Systems group. Her main lines of research focus on learning strategies, educational adaptation and competence assessment. She has participated in several research projects (R&D) related to the evaluation of the educational system and needs assessment. She collaborates with the University Guidance Service (SOU) of the Faculty of Education. |
Maria Teresa Castilla Mesa is Professor in the Department of Didactics and School Organization atUniversidad de Málaga.![]() | Director of the research group HUM 365 Training, Guidance, Employability, Entrepreneurship, Inclusion and Innovation. Director of the INNOFOPEM Teaching Network of Excellence (Innovation, Training and Vocational Guidance for Employment and Entrepreneurship). Coordinator of RedCEmp (Network of Entrepreneurial Educational Centres). Head of the Vocational Guidance Section of the Guidance Service of the Faculty of Education Sciences. Principal researcher of projects related to career guidance, employability, entrepreneurship, training for employment and vocational training. Organiser of scientific events and has several publications. |
Graciela Castro Castillo is a teacher at the State University of Milagro. Ecuador.![]() | Research project leader and author of several articles in the field of education. Master’s degree in Educational Management, Bachelor’s degree in Educational Sciences and currently a Ph.D. in Higher Education at the University of Palermo. Director of face-to-face and online education, Pedagogical Coordinator, Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Education at UNEMI. graciala15@hotmail.com |
Cristina Ceinos Sanz. PhD in Education from the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela and Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy and Didactics, MIDE Area, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela![]() | She is currently responsible for teaching subjects related to Guidance. In addition, she has experience in coordinating groups of students as Coordinator of the degree in Social Education (2016-2020) and as academic coordinator of the Bilateral Exchange Programme (2012-2020) and Erasmus Programme (academic year 2009-2010/ 2022-2023) in the Faculty of Education Sciences. She also has experience in various national and international research projects and networks focused on guidance, ICT and training of guidance counsellors, with several articles, book chapters and multiple contributions to national and international conferences focused on the above topics |
Alejandra Cortés Pascual. Professor in the Faculty of Education and Director of Teaching Quality and Innovation of the Vice-Rectorate for Academic Policy of the Universidad de Zaragoza![]() | Director of the first chair in education at the University of Zaragoza, Innovación Educativa Juan de Lanuza. She is co-founder of the Consolidated Research Group EDUCAVIVA of the Government of Aragon and was director for 5 years. She is constantly involved in R&Ds of the Ministry of Education and Science, and co-coordinates a European project (K203 2020-2022) on artificial intelligence, university orientation and innovation. She has directed for 8 years a master’s degree on socio-emotional education and for another 5 courses another one on educational research throughout life. On her website AlejandraCortes.net you can see part of her professional career and her email is alcortes@unizar.es |
Manuel Delgado García holds a PhD in Psychopedagogy and is Professor of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education in the Department of Pedagogy at the Universidad de Huelva![]() | He belongs to the research group «Educational Guidance» (HUM879) and his main lines of research are developed in the field of guidance, tutorial action and teacher professional development. She is a member of the Spanish Association of Guidance and Psychopedagogy (AEOP), the Inter-University Association of Pedagogical Research (AIDIPE) and the Inter-University Network of Guidance Teachers (RIPO). manuel.delgado@dedu.uhu.es |
Pilar Figuera-Gazo holds a PhD in Education and is Professor of Vocational Guidance in the Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education at the Faculty of Education of the Universidad de Barcelona![]() | She is a member of the consolidated TRALS research group and the INTERMASTER educational innovation group. Her lines of research focus on the study of academic and professional transition trajectories in guidance and tutorial action. Author or co-author of numerous publications on guidance and academic and employment transactions at university. She is the director of the Permanent Seminar on Career Guidance and a member of the Inter-University Network of Guidance Teachers (RIPO) |
Elena Fernández Rey is Associate Professor in the Area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education (MIDE) and Coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Training Processes of the Department of Pedagogy and Didactics of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela![]() | Her main research interests are in the field of lifelong guidance on topics such as career management skills development, training of guidance practitioners, ICT in guidance to mentoring, and the development of career management competences. elena.fernandez.rey@usc.es |
Ana Patricia Fernández Suárez is a teacher at the Faculty of Education of the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)![]() | She develops her teaching and research activity in the Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education II (Educational Guidance, Diagnosis and Psychopedagogical Intervention). Her lines of research revolve around academic motivation and motivational self-regulation strategies. In addition, she also works in the field of family counselling. apfernandez@edu.uned.es |
Gemma Filella is Associate Professor in the Department of Pedagogy at the Universidad de Lleida. ![]() | Coordinator of the Psychopedagogical Guidance Research Group of the University of Lleida Coordinator of the Scientific-Technical Service of the UdL «Improving coexistence in schools». Coordinator of the Postgraduate in Emotional Education since 2004. Trainer of the Department of Education. Author of scientific articles and books, including the book Aprender a Convivir published by Barcanova, winner of the EDU21 Award 2013. gemma.filella@udl.cat |
Anna Forés is a teacher at the Faculty of Education of the Universitat de Barcelona![]() | Deputy Director of the Chair of Neuroeducation UB-EDu 1st. annafores@ub.edu |
Rakel del Frago Arbizu is a teacher of the Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education at the Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU).![]() | International expert in Career Guidance. Author or co-author of several publications on these topics. External collaboration with the International Labour Office (ILO) Andean Countries. In the framework of the RetoALaU programme that empowers young people in Bogotá, conducting the workshop «Occupational profiling and psychosocial orientation» with higher education institutions as an expert in Career Guidance as a speaker at the «Online workshops on technical transfer and good practices». rakel.delfrago@ehu.eus |
Ana María González Benito is Associate Professor at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED)![]() | Her teaching and research activity focuses on the study of tutorial action, educational guidance systems and teachers’ professional competences. amgonzalez@edu.uned.es |
Vicente Hernández Franco is Teacher of Universidad Pontificia Comillas![]() | His university teaching activity is carried out in the area of educational, professional and family guidance. As an expert researcher in the area of Guidance and in the development of Specific Vocational Training, he has been directing the «Observatory of the academic and professional preferences of Secondary and Baccalaureate students in the Community of Madrid: The Orion Project» since the 2003/2004 academic year. The Orion Project website (https://orion.comillas.edu/) is an online resource centre that assists students in making vocational decisions, advised by expert counsellors, by providing them with continuously updated information on the opportunities offered by the labour and educational market. She has also participated in different research projects and is currently a Senior Researcher in two European projects led by the Universidad Pontificia Comillas: INMERSE (https://www.immerse- h2020.eu/en/) and the European project ‘Letʼs Care: Building safe and caring Schools to Foster Educational Inclusion and School Achievementʼ, an initiative that seeks to reduce school dropout rates and increase academic results in vulnerable populations ( https://letscareproject.eu/). vhernandez@comillas.ed |
Ana Jiménez Rivero is Assistant Professor at the Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación (ICE) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM![]() | Her teaching and research activity is framed within the area of research and diagnostic methods in education to contribute to improving the communicative competence of teachers. ana.jimenez@upm.es |
Pedro Jurado de los Santos holds a PhD in Education Sciences from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona![]() | Graduate in Philosophy and Arts, Psychology Section; Graduate in Educational Sciences. University Lecturer at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Director of the research group Observatory for Socio-educational Inclusion (OIS) and member of the CIFO group (SGR) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Lecturer in Master’s, Postgraduate and Graduate courses. He has given courses, seminars, workshops, conferences and lectures at universities and congresses in Spain and internationally. Teacher and researcher, participating in innovation and knowledge generation projects (R+D+I) in subjects related to didactics, attention to special needs and students in vulnerable situations, diagnosis, teaching-learning processes and strategies, educational and socio-labour inclusion, school-work transition and orientation towards adult life. The publication of books, articles and book chapters, participation in research projects and knowledge transfer has been a constant throughout the professional development journey. pedro.jurado@uab.cat |
Juan Llanes Ordoñez is an associate professor in the Faculty of Education at the Universidad de Barcelona![]() | Specialised in career guidance and employability issues. My research areas are linked to employability, career management and professional competences. Within the field of higher education I work on participation issues, tutorial action and analyse specific training processes in second cycle education. I am the coordinator of the consolidated teaching innovation group INTERMASTER and a member of the TRALS research group. juanllanes@ub.edu |
David López Aguilar is Associate Professor in the Department of Didactics and Educational Research at the Universidad de La Laguna![]() | Deputy Director of the University Guidance and Tutoring Laboratory (LabOri) at the University of La Laguna. Director of the Virtual Teaching Unit (UDV) and the Audiovisual Unit of the University of La Laguna. His research and innovation work has focused mainly on the processes of transition and adaptation of students to university education, the development of generic competencies of students for adaptability to higher education, the analysis of the factors involved in the abandonment and prolongation of university education and the training and professional development of high-level athletes. Currently, together with Professor Pedro Álvarez Pérez, he is principal investigator of the project «Analysis of the explanatory factors of university dropout and strategic actions for its improvement and prevention» (Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain).dlopez@ull.edu.es http://lopezaguilar.es/ |
Carmen López Escribano. Associate Professor in the Department of Research and Psychology of Education of Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)![]() | Currently Director of the aforementioned Department, she has been Delegate of the Rector of the UCM and Vice-Dean of Prácticum of the Faculty of Education (UCM). Trustee of Fundación Aprender. Fulbright Scholar (1987-1989). Real Colegio Complutense Fellow (2003, 2005, 2006 and 2008). Gregorio del Amo Fellow (2014). She has been a visiting professor at Harvard University, California State University and Universidad de Guadalajara in Mexico. She has taught at Sofia University and Tel Aviv University. She has directed and participated in Development Cooperation projects in Latin America on literacy in contexts of risk. She has also participated in numerous European and national competitive projects. Her teaching and research interests focus on the diagnosis and treatment of learning difficulties. In the last two years she has carried out international research and publications on family counselling. |
Ana María López Medialdea holds a PhD in Education Sciences and is a pedagogue by vocation (UGR), Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education and Psychology of Universidad de Extremadura![]() | She has coordinated the Student Guidance Committee since 2017. She is the coordinator of the teaching innovation group, Training and Guidance for University Students (FORGID) and a member of the research group Transforming Education for a Global and Digital Society (Edutransforma-T). Her scientific career is closely related to guidance, academic tutoring and teaching methodologies. She is a member of the Inter-University Association of Pedagogical Research (AIDIPE) and the Spanish Network of Service-Learning (Redaps). almedialdea@unex.es |
Catalina del Carmen Luna Meza, Tecnológico Nacional de México![]() | Professor at the Department of Economic and Administrative Sciences. Coordinator of Postgraduate Research Projects at the Division of Postgraduate Studies and Research of the National Technological Institute of Mexico in Celaya, Gto. Mexico. catalina.luna@itcelaya.edu.mx |
Ana María Martín Cuadrado Affiliation. Faculty of Education. Department of DOE and DDEE. UNED![]() | Accompaniment and guidance of new students in their integration during the first years; and, in the transition between stages; accompaniment and guidance of new teachers in their integration into teaching. Professional practices in the initial training of education degrees. amartin@edu.uned.es |
José Luis Martín Núñez José Luis Martín Núñez. Associate Professor and Director of the Institute of Education Sciences of the Madrid (España) ![]() | He is a member of the research group for Science and Technology Teacher Training ForPROFE and coordinates the educational innovation group in science and technology teaching EduCyT.. Joseluis.martinn@upm.es |
Juan Manuel Méndez Garrido is Associate Professor of Universidad de Huelva![]() | Member of the Interuniversity Network of Guidance Teachers, of the Spanish Association of Guidance and Psychopedagogy, of the National Interuniversity Association of Educational Research and of the Social Sciences II Evaluation Committee of the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA). She belongs to the Educational Guidance Research Group (HUM-879) where she develops her research work on educational guidance issues which are reflected in numerous publications. jmendez@dedu.uhu.es |
Laura Méndez Zaballos, Psychologist and PhD in Psychopedagogy![]() | Her professional career has been developed as a teacher specialising in therapeutic pedagogy in a psycho-pedagogical team for early intervention and in public nursery schools. Her doctoral thesis focused on the study of interactive scenarios in an early childhood education classroom. As a result of this professional and research experience, she is the author of books related to curricular adaptations and tutoring in early childhood education. She has developed part of her teaching experience in the teaching diploma in the specialities of early childhood and special education. Her research interests are linked to the processes of digital literacy and gamification in the framework of inclusive school. As a result of this interest, she has participated in several projects related to childhood, technology and inclusive educational contexts. She has also participated in contracts with companies interested in children’s use of new technologies, which have resulted in publications, theses and dissertations. In recent decades, her teaching has been linked to training and the development of professional competences in future guidance counsellors. She currently coordinates the speciality of educational guidance in the master’s degree in teacher training. lmendez@psi.uned.es |
Camilo Isaac Ocampo Gómez![]() | He worked as National Teacher (1967-1982); Technical Inspector of Education (1982-2009); Associate Professor at the University of Vigo (UV) (area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education) (MIDE) (1995- 2004); Associate Professor at the University of Vigo (UV) (area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education) (MIDE) (1995- 2004). 2004); Associate Professor at the University of Vigo (UV), area of knowledge MIDE. He teaches on the Master’s Degree in Secondary Education Teaching, specialising in Educational Guidance, at the UV, and coordinates the ORTUS-GIE research group. His publications include «Orientación psicopedagógica en la formación profesional de un sistema de educación inclusivo» (chapter of the book: Diversidad e inclusión. A look from education. Peter Lang). cocampo@uvigo.es |
Iciar Pablo-Lerchundi is Associate Professor at the Institute of Education Sciences (ICE) of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)![]() | As a member of the ForPROFE research group and the EduCyT educational innovation group, her research focuses on teacher training in the scientific-technological field. iciar.depablo@upm.es |
Teresa Pagés holds a PhD in Biological Sciences and is an Associate Professor of Physiology at the Universidad de Barcelona![]() | She is currently head of the University Section of the Institute for Professional Development (IDP-ICE) of the UB, coordinator of the Master’s Degree in Integrative Physiology and director of the Master’s Degree in University Teaching for new teachers. She is a member of the Adaptive Physiology Group: Exercise and Hypoxia, a consolidated group of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Since 1992 she has been a member of the Teaching Innovation in Physiology Group (Grindofi), a consolidated UB group since 2003.. tpages@ub.edu |
Antonio Pantoja Vallejo. Professor in the area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education at the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences of the Universidad de Jaén![]() | Head of the Research Group «Investigación y Desarrollo de la Investigación Educativa (IDEO)» of the Junta de Andalucía (http://www.grupoideo.es). Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal «MLS-Educational Research – MLSER» (https://mlsjournals.com/Educational-Research- Journal). Principal investigator of the TIMONEL Project, aimed at university guidance (www.timonel.net), and of the continuation of the same at present: R+D+i Project «Timonela: Recommendation System (SR) for the educational guidance of students in Secondary Education» (Ref. PID2020-1). (Ref. PID2020-114336GB-I00), approved by the Ministry of Science and Innovation within the framework of the State Programme for Knowledge Generation and Scientific and Technological Strengthening of the R&D&I system in the 2020 call. Website: www.antoniopantoja.es, e-mail: apantoja@ujaen.es |
Núria Pérez Escoda holds a PhD in Educational Sciences from the UAB and is a Associate Professor in the Department of Mètodes dʼInvestigació i Diagnòstic en![]() | Coordinator of GROP (Grup de Recerca en Orientació Psicopedagògica, a research group recognised by the Generalitat de Catalunya. Her main lines of research are emotional education and socio-occupational integration |
María del Henar Pérez Herrero. PhD in Psychology from the Universidad de Oviedo, Degree in Psychology and Pedagogy. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of the Universidad de Oviedo![]() | Area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education. She teaches on the Bachelor’s Degrees in Pedagogy and in Early Childhood Education and on the Master’s Degree in Socio-educational Innovation and Research and the Master’s Degree in Teacher Training in Compulsory Secondary Education, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training. His main lines of research are: Tutoring and Educational Guidance; Emotional Competences in the Family, School, Work and Social Environment; Evaluation in Secondary and Higher Education; Relationship between Teaching Centres-Families-Social Entities; and External Practices-Practicum |
Soledad Romero Rodríguez is an Associate Professor in the Department of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education at the Universidad de Sevilla, Spain![]() | Her research activity has been linked to the design and development of career guidance interventions, training in career management competencies, innovative research and guidance methodologies. sromero@us.es |
Fernando Sabirón Sierra, Associate Professor in the MIDE area of the Universidad de Zaragoza![]() | In my last professional period, my dedication has focused on a renewed energy towards teaching, and continuity in the lines of research, initiated some time ago, on evaluation and ethnographic research methods. fsabiron@unizar.es |
José Sánchez Santamaría. PhD in Pedagogy from the University of Castilla- La Mancha (UCLM, Spain) and Degree in Pedagogy from the University of Valencia (UV, Spain)![]() | Associate Professor of Research Methods and Educational Equity at the UCLM. Coordinator of the Research Group on Educational Guidance, Quality and Equity (GRIOCE) of the UCLM. His lines of research focus on educational guidance and equity, reflective practice and teacher professional development, and formative and shared evaluation |
Lidia Esther Santana Vega is a teacher in Universidad de La Laguna (Tenerife, Islas Canarias)![]() | Degree in Psychology and PhD in Educational Sciences. I have been invited to give lectures, seminars and courses at universities, both in Spain and abroad; member of different evaluation committees; evaluator of articles in high impact journals: International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, Comunicar, Revista de Educación, etc. Principal investigator of regional and European projects financed with public funds and coordinator of the consolidated research group GIOES. Director of the Master’s Degree in Education and Guidance for Socio-Labour Transition. Director of the Doctoral Programme in Education. My lines of research are: education and gender, education for European citizenship, education in values, and life project and decision making (line of research awarded in the National Educational Research Awards of the MECD). lsantana@ull.edu.es |
Luis Sobrado. He is currently in the administrative situation of retired as Professor of the University of Santiago de Compostela![]() | He collaborates academically with this institution in the Doctoral Programme of the Faculty of Education Sciences, directing Doctoral Theses and also sits on Doctoral Thesis Boards at the Galician Universities of A Coruña and Vigo. He also participates as a lecturer in international conferences ofEducational and Vocational Guidance. He also cooperates as an evaluator of articles in various scientific journals of Education and Educational and Vocational Guidance, as well as research projects of Universities and other relevant institutions. His main lines of research are related to the training and professional development of guidance counsellors and tutor teachers. luis.sobrado@yahoo.es |
Belén Suárez Lantarón holds a PhD in Psychology and Educational Sciences. Teacher of the Faculty of Education at the Universidad de Extremadura ![]() | She is a member of the EduTransforma-T Research Group and of the University Institute of Educational Research and Prospective of the University of Extremadura (INPEx). Her line of work is guidance, attention to diversity and inclusive education. She is a member of the University Guidance Teachers Network (RIPO). bslantaron@unex.es |
Mercedes Torrado Fonseca is Associate Professor in the Department of Research and Diagnostic Methods in and Diagnostic Methods in Education at the Universidad de Barcelona![]() | Coordinator of the TRALS (Transiciones Académicas y Laborales) research team. She has participated and led several research projects related to the study of dropout and persistence, academic and employment trajectories, university guidance and skills development. She teaches on the Bachelor’s Degree in Pedagogy and on various master’s degrees at the Faculty of Education in the areas of research methodology, higher education and TFG/TFM. She has held various positions of institutional responsibility at the University. mercedestorrrado@ub.edu |
Margarita Valcarce Fernández is teacher at the Faculty of Education Sciences of the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela![]() | Department of Pedagogy and Didactics. At the University he taught and teaches in subjects related to in-company training, educational and vocational guidance, tutoring and evaluation of educational programmes and services. Her research and publications focus on non-formal and informal education: on trainers and counsellors and their needs and strategies. She is particularly interested in the vulnerability and inclusion of people in school, society and the labour market. margot.valcarce@usc.es |
Consuelo Vélaz-de-Medrano Ureta is Professor of Methods of Research and Diagnosis in Education at UNED ![]() | Investigadora principal del Grupo de Investigación en “Sistemas de Orientación psicopedagógica y desarrollo profesional de l@s orientador@s” (https://www2.uned.es/grisop/). Líneas de trabajo vinculadas entre sí: “Políticas públicas y modelos de Orientación educativa y profesional, tutoría y asesoramiento psicopedagógico; (3) Desarrollo profesional de los/las orientadores/as; (2) Educación inclusiva; y (4) Liderazgo escolar pedagógico, inclusivo y distribuido”. consuelo.velaz@edu.uned.es |
Maria Jose Vieira Aller is Professor at the Universidad of León in the area of MIDE![]() | Actualmente es subdirectora del Departamento de Psicología, Sociología y Filosofía y coordinadora del Máster Universitario en Investigación en Psicología y Ciencias de la Educación. Ha colaborado como asesora de la Dirección General de Universidades y de la Comisión Europea en la Estrategia de Modernización de la Educación Superior. Su investigación se centra en la educación superior, en concreto, en la orientación y apoyo a los estudiantes universitarios, en las relaciones entre formación y empleo, y en la tercera misión de las universidades. maria.vieira@unileon.es |