III International Conference on Guidance at University

Madrid 6, 7 and 8 September 2023
Pedro Allueva Torres
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Congreso Internacional de Orientación Universitaria

With the general goal of creating an international meeting space where to discuss, reflect and share experiences on the main topics and areas of University Guidance that contribute to the improvement of University Educational Quality, the Congreso Internacional de Orientación Universitaria (CIOU) was born.
After the realization of the I CIOU2018 with the theme «University Guidance and Educational Quality» held at the Universidad de Zaragoza, and the II CIOU2021 with the theme «Good guidance, good choice» held at the Universidad de Valladolid, it is a source of great joy to present the III Congreso Internacional de Orientación Universitaria CIOU2023 to be held at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), under the theme «Calibrating compasses in the face of uncertainty».
University Educational Guidance should be a fundamental pillar in the education of university students. The main objective of the CIOU, as well as the actions derived from them, is to make it a reality as soon as possible.
One of these actions is the beginning of the collection «Orientación Educativa Universitaria» published by Octaedro. The first book of the collection » Orientación educativa y universidad» was published in December 2022.
I would like to give special thanks to Mª Ángeles González Galán and Beatriz Malik Liévano, as presidents of the Organizing Committee, as well as to their magnificent team, for the great work they are carrying out in the organization of the III CIOU2023.
It will be a pleasure to share this international meeting space where we will debate, reflect and share experiences on the main topics and areas of University Educational Guidance.
See you at CIOU2023
Beatriz Malik Liévano y Mª Ángeles González Galán
Chairs of the III Congreso Internacional de Orientación Universitaria (CIOU23)

We are honored to invite you to participate in the next Congreso Internacional de Orientación Universitaria (CIOU23), with the theme «Calibrating compasses in the face of uncertainty», which will be held at the UNED Central Venue in Madrid, from September 6 to 8, 2023. It is the third CIOU Conference, the previous ones having been held in Zaragoza (2018) and Valladolid (2021). It is jointly organized by the Departments MIDE I (Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education I) and MIDE II-OEDIP (Educational Guidance, Diagnosis and Psychopedagogical Intervention) of the Faculty of Education of the UNED, together with the CIOU Executive Committee, in collaboration with the UNED Foundation and the Asociación Española de Orientación y Psicopedagogía (AEOP), in addition to other entities.
After a worldwide pandemic, unimagined a few years ago, guidance is even more necessary in order to provide people with adequate tools to cope with the great uncertainty that has been generated by the health and economic crisis. Its role in promoting equity in the increasingly complex environments, contexts and spaces in which people develop is becoming more and more important. Therefore, counseling must have sufficient support and resources from institutions and administrations, so that all people can benefit from a fundamental right throughout their life trajectory. In a world in which social inequalities, precarious and indecent work, environmental degradation and the technological gap are increasingly accentuated, it is necessary to promote equitable guidance practices, respectful of the environment, that promote the personal, academic and professional development of individuals and contribute to creating fairer, more cohesive and sustainable societies. The university has a great social responsibility, and from its teaching, research and extension function, it must promote the personal, academic and professional development of its students and teachers, guaranteeing access to guidance services and quality tutorial action.
This meeting aims to contribute to the debate on the role of guidance as a key element in the development and promotion of all people and in achieving equity in the educational, social and labor context. To this end, we will focus on the pre-university stage, the university studies, and the postgraduate stage, including in each of these stages the work carried out, which may respond to different methodologies, areas and fields.
We hope that the conference will be an opportunity for professionals and researchers in the field of guidance to meet and exchange experiences, tools and research projects on the selected topics. We also hope that it will serve to establish and maintain cooperation networks, as important for professional development as for the achievement of work and social goals.
We look forward to welcoming you to Madrid, a vibrant and cosmopolitan city with an immense cultural and artistic heritage, the legacy of centuries of exciting history and the scene of important social movements.
On behalf of the Executive Committee, the Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee of the CIOU23 International Conference, we encourage you to send your proposals in the different modalities of participation, or to attend the meeting as a listener and take part in the different debates.
Very cordially yours,
Mª Ángeles González Galán and Beatriz Malik Liévano
Chairs of the III International Conference on University Guidance (CIOU23), Calibrating compasses in the face of uncertainty