International Seminar in Advance Research in Inequality and Social Demography (UNED50)

28 de septiembre de 2023

Place: Biblioteca Central de la UNED- Paseo de la Senda del Rey 6, Madrid- Planta séptima.

Organized by Fabrizio Bernardi and Mar C. Espadafor (UNED)

Session 1 (9:00-11:00h)

Fabian Pfeffer (University of Michigan, Michigan): Wealth Inequality and Opportunity

Leire Salazar (JRC – European Commission, Seville): Bridging the wealth gap: Simulating Universal Inheritance in four EU countries

Per Engzell (UCL, London): Understanding Patterns and Trends in Income Mobility through Multiverse Analysis (with C.Mood)

Session 2 (11:20-13:20h)

Gaia Ghirardi (European University Institute, Florence): Theorizing sociogenomics research on the gene-by-family socioeconomic status (GxSES) interaction for educational attainment: evidence from US and UK (with F.Bernardi) 

Manuel Valdés (UNED): Can a low emission zone improve academic performance? Evidence from a natural experiment in the city of Madrid. (with M.C.Espadafor and R.Conte)

Marco Cozzani (University of Florence, Florence): The quantity of conceptions and the health of the newborn (with P.Fallensen and J.Harkonen)

Session 3 (15:00-16:20h)

Laura Heiksala (Turku University, Turku): Parental workplace educational composition and children’s higher education enrolment (with M.Pruel)

Sara Geven (UVA, Amsterdam): School processes in the generation of educational inequality by student’s SES

Session 4 (16:40-18:00h)

Daniel Ramirez (CSIC): The long-term health consequences of extreme macronutrient imbalance during the Spanish Civil War and Postwar.

Mar C. Espadafor (UNED): The intergenerational effect of educational expansion: new evidence from a natural experiment in Spain (with A. Sierra)

This workshop benefits from the support of the Faculty of Political Science and Sociology at UNED. If you would like to attend this seminar, please send an email to Mar C. Espadafor ( in order to register. There are limited spots.

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