The stricter the better?

7 de noviembre, de 10 a 11:30 en sala 5.19. Seminario de Investigación.

The impact of early teacher grading standards on students’ competences development and academic track enrollment.

por Ilaria Lievore, Doctora en Sociología e Investigación Social por la Universidad de Trento e investigadora postdoctoral en el Departamento de Sociología II en el marco del proyecto Horizon Europe Mapineq.


Departamento de Sociología II (Estructura Social)

Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociología, UNED


Despite the growing attention on teachers’ grading practices in educational research, less attention has been dedicated to the consequences of teachers’ grading standards on students’ educational outcomes, especially in early stages of their scholastic career. This paper aims at filling this gap, analyzing the impact of teacher’s severity in grading on students’ competences development and academic track enrollment, and how it varies according to students’ gender and socio-economic background. The analysis relies on Italian INVALSI-SNV data: information on 5th graders and their teachers are linked, and pupils are followed up to 8th and 10th grade, in which their competences and school track are recorded. Trough 2SLS regressions we demonstrate that being exposed to stricter grading in 5th grade leads to higher students’ competences later on, and to higher probability to enroll in the most prestigious academic track, with no notable heterogeneous effects across students with different sociodemographic characteristics.

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