Summer Course: “European Union’s external climate action” (12th to 16th July, 2021)
The course addresses the actions that the EU develops in the field of foreign policy to face the challenges presented by climate change. The fight against climate change and, in particular, the transition to a decarbonised economy and society, will be one of the two main pillars on which the European integration process will be based until 2050.
The EU has drawn up its most ambitious legislative (and budgetary) package to date, around the so-called “Green Deal”, which will redesign the way we Europeans relate to each other and to the rest of the world in its totality. This commitment to environmental matters requires coordination with other countries actions, since climate change is a global problem that cannot be solved through unilateral strategies, which explains why the EU has included its climate agenda in domestic policies and foreign policy initiatives.
The course’s programme covers the regulatory aspects of the Union’s external climate action, including a multidisciplinary approach to other areas related to development cooperation, migration or, for example, the economic aspects of the ecological transition.