Ana Serrano Mamolar
- CV
Engineer of Telecommunications specialised in Electronic Systems (University of Valladolid) I deliver my Degree Final Project at the Hoogeschool of Rotterdam within the Erasmus program. I worked as a consultant for R&D projects for more than 2 years after my degree. I have a Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Imaging from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV). After my Master degree I was working as a researcher in the UPV, involved in projects related with recognition of noise and vibration patterns in railway transport systems.
After three years in the software industry as a senior Android Developer I moved to Scotland where I obtained a grant to start my PhD studies in University of the West of Scotland (UWS), that I finished in three years. The first two years of my PhD studies were granted by an International Project of the University of Zayed, and the third one was granted by the university (UWS). I got teaching experience during the three years of my PhD studies, having the opportunity to deliver lectures of 6 different modules (in English) to BSc in Computer Science and Master in Computer Networking students of the UWS. Furthermore, during my PhD studies I was involved in two relevant H2020 projects SELFNET and SLICENET related with 5G networks, being my institution (UWS) the technical coordinator of them. In both projects, my contribution was in the area of artificial intelligence, specifically in the design and development of a cognitive loop for the autonomous management of multi-tenant 5G networks. My contributions in both projects were validated against a fully operational 5G infrastructure built for the project in one of the partner’s premises, a well-known European telecom company. Likewise I was involved in the elaboration of several European project proposal.
I finished my PhD with 3 JCR publications and 2 publications in relevant international conferences. In my postdoctoral stage have I published 2 more JCR and 1 conference article. Furthermore, during the first year of my postdoctoral stage I am co-directing 2 doctoral thesis and 2 master's thesis that are currently in progress. My academic path is not a standard one since I have mixed the academic milestones with industrial professional experience across the different academic stages. This has allowed me to contribute in high TRL research projects as the one mentioned while I was doing my PhD.
At the same I was preparing my doctoral thesis dissertation I joint the aDeNu research group at UNED to collaborate within one of their projects for two years. Specifically I have been involved in user-centred modelling in educational scenarios to improve affect-aware adaptive learning systems, which is currently my research area.
- Postdoc researcher at aDeNu
Previous Positions
- Phd. student at University of the West of Scotland (2016-2019)
- Senior Android Developer at Develapps (2013-2016)
- Researcher at Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (2011-2013)
- R&D Consultant at Tolten (2006-2009)
- PhD in Intelligent Systems at University of the West of Scotland - 2020
- Master's Degree in Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition and Digital Imaging. (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) - 2011
- Telecommunications Engineer. Specialised in Electronic Systems ( Universidad de Valladolid) - 2005
- Master' in Computer Networking at University of the West of Scotland
- Master Projects
- Emerging topics in Smart Networks
- Bsc. Computer Networking at University of the West of Scotland
- Data Communications and Networks
- Windows Server Administration
- CCNA 1
- Unix System Administration
R&D projects
Research references
- ORCID iD:0000-0003-4949-9220
- ResearcherID: ABH-4677-2020
- Scopus Author ID: 57203889636
- Google Scholar: Ana Serrano-Mamolar
- Research Gate: Ana Serrano-Mamolar
R&D projects
Degree of contribution: Researcher
Entity where project take place: UNED
Funding entity or bodies: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. Universidades
Dedication regime: Full time
Contribution: Research, development and validation of affect user-centred models in different learning contexts, with specific focus in the following tasks.
* Design and execution of experiments in two different contexts (schools and autonomous vehicles) in order to build datasets from real-world situations.
* Analysis of gathered data and building of the affect models adapted to each subject by applying different Data Mining and Machine Learning methodologies.
* Analysis of the feasibility of developing a low-cost non-intrusive device that integrates easy-to-capture signals that guarantee high affect recognition accuracy.
* Analysis of results and dissemination.
Degree of contribution: Researcher
Entity where project took place: University of the West of Scotland
Name principal investigator: Prof. Qi Wang
Funding entity or bodies: European Commission
Type of participation: Team member
Start-End date: 01/06/2017 - 01/06/2020
Total amount: 7.979.030 € Sub-project amount: 66.449.875 €
Dedication regime: Part time
Contribution: The aim of the SliceNet project was to design, prototype and demonstrate an innovative, verticals-oriented, QoE-driven 5G network slicing framework. The main objectives of the SliceNet included maximising the potential of 5G infrastructures and their services based on advanced software networking and cognitive network management. The applicant was involved in the design, development and validation of different software tools towards a fully softwarisation-friendly 5G infrastructure, with specific focus in the following tasks:
* Integration of several software components in an emulated 5G infrastructure in order to validate that an operative 5G infrastructure can be fully softwarised.
* Design implementation and development of a completely functional experimentation framework that implements the three main planes of the network infrastructure: control plane, monitoring plane and management plane in order to gather metrics over the three planes and provide action points in a fully softwarised infrastructure. The three planes were fully decoupled and isolated depending on the topology in order to match different possible business requirements in a 5G multi-tenant context.
* Design implementation and development of a completely functional experimentation framework that allows testing novel functional and architectural components of a 5G infrastructure. These contributions were essential for a fast component validation before the final integration of the components in the real infrastructure. Every mentioned development was validated against a fully operational 5G multi-tenant infrastructure built for the project in one of the project’s partner premises, an important European Telecomm. company. Furthermore, all those contributions were included as part of the outcomes presented to the European Commission in the annual project reviews.
Degree of contribution: Researcher
Entity where project took place: University of the West of Scotland
Name principal investigator: Jose Alcaraz Calero
Funding entity or bodies: European Commission
Type of participation: Team member
Name of the programme: H2020
Code according to the funding entity: H2020-ICT-2014-2/671672
Start-End date: 01/07/2015 - 01/07/2018
Total amount: 6.866.496 € Sub-project amount: 750.476 €
Dedication regime: Part time
Contribution: The aim of the SELFNET project was to design and implement an autonomic network management framework to achieve self-organizing capabilities in managing network infrastructures by automatically detecting and mitigating a range of common network problems that are currently still being manually addressed by network operators, thereby significantly reducing operational costs and improving user experience. SELFNET was driven by use cases designed to address major network
management problems including: Self-protection, Self-healing and Self-optimization. The applicant has been involved in three of the four SELFNET use cases, with specific focus in the following tasks:
* Design, implementation and validation of novel 5G-compliant security sensor for the transversal detection of DDoS attacks in 5G multitenant overlay mobile networks.
* Design, implementation and validation of 5G-compliant general-purpose sensor to gather real time metrics from automatically detected physical and virtual network
* Design implementation and development of a completely functional experimentation framework that allows to test novel functional and architectural components of a 5G infrastructure.
* Integration and validation of all the components included in an autonomic loop. Every mentioned implementation was validated against a fully operational 5G multi-tenant infrastructure built for the project in one of the project’s partner premises, Portugal Telecom. Furthermore, the applicant's contribution were included as part of the outcomes presented to the European Commission in all the annual project reviews.
- Ana Serrano Mamolar Ana Mamolar; Miguel Arevalillo Herráez; Jesus González Boticario. An intra-subject approach based on the Application of HMM to Predict Concentration in Educational Contexts from Non-intrusive Physiological Signals in real-world situations.Sensors MDPI Journal. (Spain): 04/01/2021.
DOI: 10.20944/preprints202101.0039.v1 - Sanchez-Navarro, Ignacio; Mamolar, Ana Serrano; Wang, Qi; Calero, Jose M. Alcaraz. 5GTopoNet: Real-time topology discovery and management on 5G multi-tenant networks. FUTURE GENERATION COMPUTER SYSTEMS-THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ESCIENCE. 114, pp. 435 - 447. ELSEVIER, 01/01/2021.
Available on-line at: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0167739X1933122X - Ana Serrano Mamolar; David Martín Gómez; Jesús González Boticario. Editorial: Recommender Systems and Technologies in Artificial Intelligence. (Switzerland): Electronics. 2021, 01/01/2021. Available on-line at: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/electronics/special_issues/RST. ISSN 2079-9292
- Chirivella-Perez, Enrique; Marco-Alaez, Ricardo; Hita, Alba; Serrano, Ana; Calero, Jose M. Alcaraz; Wang, Qi; Neves, Pedro M.; Bernini, Giacomo; Koutsopoulos, Konstantinos; Gil Perez, Manuel; Martinez Perez, Gregorio; Barros, Maria Joao; Gavras, Anastasius. SELFNET 5G mobile edge computing infrastructure: Design and prototyping. SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE. 50 - 5, pp. 741 - 756. WILEY, 01/05/2020.
- Mamolar, Ana Serrano; Salva-Garcia, Pablo; Chirivella-Perez, Enrique; Pervez, Zeeshan; Calero, Jose M. Alcaraz; Wang, Qi. Autonomic protection of multi-tenant 5G mobile networks against UDP flooding DDoS attacks. JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS. 145, ACADEMIC PRESS LTD- ELSEVIER
SCIENCE LTD, 01/11/2019. ISSN 1084-8045 - Mamolar, Ana Serrano; Pervez, Zeeshan; Calero, Jose M. Alcaraz; Khattak, Asad Masood. Towards the transversal detection of DDoS network attacks in 5G multi-tenant overlay networks. COMPUTERS & SECURITY. 79, pp. 132 - 147. ELSEVIER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY, 01/11/2018. ISSN 0167-4048
Works submitted to national or international conferences
- Ana Serrano Mamolar; Miguel Arevalillo Herráez; Jesús González Boticario. "Towards the modelling of the concentrated state of learners. An intra-subject modelling
approach". European Simulation and Modelling Conference. 2020 - Mamolar, Ana Serrano; Pervez, Zeeshan; Calero, Jose M. Alcaraz. "PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2018 IEEE/ACM 22ND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON DISTRIBUTED SIMULATION AND REAL TIME APPLICATIONS (DS-RT)". En: IEEE ACM International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications. pp. 155 - 162. 01/01/2018. ISSN 1550-6525, ISBN 978-1-5386-5048-6
- Mamolar, Ana Serrano; Pervez, Zeeshan; Wang, Qi; Alcaraz-Calero, Jose M."2019 EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON NETWORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS (EUCNC)". En: European Conference on Networks and Communications. pp. 273 - 277. 01/01/2019. ISSN 2475-6490, ISSN 2575-4912, ISBN 978-1-7281-0546-8
Participation in scientific committees
- International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies
SECURWARE 2018 - International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet'18)
- IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Systems
Evaluation and revision of articles
Review of articles in the following journals and international conferences:
- International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM) 2020
- International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) 2020
- Journal of Computers & Security 2019-2020
- Journal on Security and Communication Networks 2018-2020
- IEEE Access 2020
- International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet) 2018-2020
- Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies 2018-2020
- International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks 2017
- International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference 2017