Int2Aff project starts

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Today we have had the kick-off meeting of Int2Aff (INTelligent INTra-subject development approach to improve actions in AFFect-aware adaptive educational systems).

We have reviewed the objectives of the project which are:

  • O1: Advance the methodologies and use, adapt or develop the most appropriate solutions to gathering affect related information from a given person over time across different realistic learning scenarios.
  • O2: In real-world learning scenarios, explore and progress on inter- and intra-subject affect detection approaches that building on user-centered intra-subject based methods, are able to adapt and evolve according to the user and the context over time.
  • O3: Explore and progress on the open issues involved in modeling the affective state of the user when the learning scenario changes over time and the objective is not just to address a particular situation but to provide the modeling support to adaptively meet the modeling challenges over time.
  • O4: Advance user-centered affect-aware multisensorial recommendations that address the learner needs depending on the evolving context and the given user.


We have also discussed the project scenarios and define the workplan for the first three months.

In order to address the objectives and specific target goals of the project, INT2AFF has been structured into 5 working packages (WP). In particular, there is one WP for each of the 4 project objectives containing 3 tasks, corresponding to:

  • T1) the revision of the state of the art
  • T2) the design of the approach and
  • T3) the development of the approach.

In addition, WP5 is transversal to them and focus on the management, dissemination and ethical issues. It also includes the management of the scenarios to be run in the project.


We’ll keep posting the outcomes of this project. Stay tuned!