
Control of Multiagent Cooperative Cyber-Physical Systems: Theoretical and practical aspects (Collectively)

  • The main objective of the project is the design of architectures, strategies, new control laws, and communication protocols for cooperative CPSs that present communication, computing, and energy consumption restrictions with a partial knowledge of both the global system and the environment. The new strategies combine different machine learning techniques, which provide algorithms with the ability to learn and adapt, with event-based control schemes so that developments achieve feasible and robust solutions. The idea is to approach the control problem in a holistic and more generalist way, taking advantage of the potential offered by the different techniques that consider varied sources of information from the environment of the system to be controlled.

REsilient and secure COntrol of cooperatiVE cybeR-phYsical systems (RECOVERY)

  • The main goal of this project is the design of resilient and secure control architectures, strategies and algorithms which help to face threats and attacks at the different levels of a cooperative Cyber-Physical System (CPS) and respond to them so that the system maintains an acceptable level of operational normality. The challenge is to integrate safety and robustness in systems with components that have constraints on computation, cost, power availability, and communication capabilities, as well as partial knowledge of the overall system and their environment.

diseño Eficiente y Control Distribuido de sistemas Ciber-físicos (ECoDiC)

  • The main goal of this project is the analysis, design and control of Cyber-physical systems (CPSs), with the focus on the development of new control laws that take into account the cybernetic constraints (communication and computation), and that are efficient and resource aware. For this purpose, new modelling paradigms will be studied to describe te interconnections between the different physical components of the system, and with the cybrnetic part. Once these models are obtained, newcontrol and communication control laws will be designed in tandem to guarantee the required efficiency, flexiblility and scalability of the CPS. The balance between implementation complexity and control performance will be studied according to the applications’ requirements. Additionally, the results will be validated in different experimental platforms.