Yolanda Gómez Sánchez

Catedrática emérita de Derecho Constitucional y catedrática Jean Monnet, ad personam, de la UE. De 2018 a 2023 ha sido directora del Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (Ministerio de a Presidencia) y Consejera Nata del Consejo de Estado.  
Ha desarrollado su labor docente e investigadora principalmente en materia de derechos fundamentales, Unión Europea, bioderecho e igualdad de mujeres y hombres. Ha sido miembro del Research Council del European Institut University (con sede en Florencia) y evaluadora del European Research Council (UE), así como de otras Agencias españolas de evaluación y calidad. Ha formado parte también del Grupo Español de Expertos de la Fundamental Rights Agency de la UE, del International Bioethics Committee de la UNESCO, del Comité de Bioética de España, de la Comisión Técnica del Banco Nacional de Líneas Celulares y de Comités de Ética e investigación. Es también académica correspondiente de la Real Academia de Jurisprudencia y Legislación (RAJL).  Ha dirigido o codirigido más de 20 tesis doctorales, cuatro de las cuales han obtenido, Premio Extraordinario de Doctorado.  Se puede acceder a sus publicaciones en:  https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/autor?codigo=209493  
Emeritus Professor of Constitutional Law and a Jean Monnet Professor, ad personam, of the EU. She has been the vice-dean of the Faculty of Law, the head of the Department of Constitutional Law and the director of the International Doctoral School at UNED. She is the former director of the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies (Ministry of the Presidency, 2018-2023) and an ex officio member of the Council of State. She has mainly developed her teaching and research work in the areas of fundamental rights, equality between women and men, European Union, and biolaw. She has been a member of the Research Council of the European Institute University (based in Florence) and has been an evaluator for the European Research Council (EU), as well as for other Spanish evaluation and quality agencies. Also, she has been a member of the Spanish Group of Experts of the Fundamental Rights Agency of the EU, the International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO, the Spanish Bioethics Committee, the Technical Commission of the National Stem Cell Bank and Ethics and Research Committees. She is a corresponding member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation (RAJL) as well.  She has directed or co-directed more than 20 doctoral theses, four of which have been awarded the Special Prize for Best PhD thesis. You can see his publications in:  https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/autor?codigo=209493 

ORCID: 0003-0232-938X  

