BiUNED 2024 English
Since 2018, UNED’s Language and Society Research Group has hosted a series of biennial international conferences on bilingualism and bilingual education, thus giving researchers the opportunity to present ground-breaking research and eventually cause positive changes in academia and society at large.
While past editions dealt respectively with the challenges, limits and solutions involved when dealing with bilingualism and interculturality (2018), the relationship between bilingualism and migration (2020), and the confluence of bilingualism and bilingual education with their immediate and extended social contexts (2022), this edition will focus on bilingualism and bilingual education, and how both concepts interact or intertwine with (political) tension.
Bilingualism and bilingual education have become characteristic features of the world today. Globalization, the internationalisation of employment, the increase in transnational mobility for educational, professional or recreational purposes, and technological development in one language or another are factors that might explain why proficiency in two or more languages is gaining ground. Bilingualism and multilingualism have now become the order of the day, even in traditionally monolingual societies. Nevertheless, in spite of its overall benefits, the spread of bilingual and multilingual proficiency might often pose some challenges and at times lead to tensions or conflicts which may be motivated by political ideologies.
This international conference thus aims to provide a platform for researchers interested in discussing bilingualism and bilingual education in relation to language conflicts and tensions, no matter their shape and form. We welcome proposals (in English or Spanish) that deal with bilingualism and are related, but not exclusively, to the following topics:
- Language planning
- Language conflicts
- Language ideologies
- Linguistic rights
- Linguistic variation and language learning
- Bilingualism and demographics
- Bilingualism and bilingual education policies
- English as a lingua franca
- Interculturality
- Bilingualism and gender studies
- The sociolinguistics of foreign language learning
- The link between culture and language learning
- Attitudes towards bilingualism and foreign language learning
- Heritage languages
- Linguistic choices and migration
- Bilingual education in monolingual and bilingual contexts
- Family bilingualism
- Bilingualism in immigrant families
- The impact of new technologies on bilingualism and bilingual education
Organising committee
Rubén Chacón Beltrán (coordinador). (UNED)
Montserrat Bermúdez Bausela (UNED)
Cecilia Criado de Diego (UNED)
Raymond Echitchi (Liege University)
Alice Foucart (Universidad Nebrija)
Joseph García Rodríguez (UNED)
Angelica Giordano Paredes (UNED)
Alicia Luque (Universidad Nebrija)
Scientific committee
Christián Abello Contesse (Universidad de Sevilla)
María Belén Díez Bedmar (Universidad de Jaén)
María del Pilar García Mayo (Universidad del País Vasco)
Jon Andoni Duñabeitia (Universidad Nebrija)
Xabier Gisbert Da Cruz (Asociación Enseñanza Bilingüe)
Nils Langer (Europa-Universität Flensburg)
Tony Liddicoat (University of Warwick)
Luan Lee Ng (Universiti Malaya)
Mario López Barrios (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba)
Cristóbal Lozano (Universidad de Granada)
Francisco Moreno Fernández (Universität Heidelberg)
Pádraig Ó Duibhir (Dublin City University)
Ignacio Palacios Martínez (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela)
Carmen Pérez Vidal (Universidad Pompeu Fabra)
Rogelio Ponce de León (Universidade do Porto)
Kim Potowski (University of Illinois, Chicago)
Antonella Sorace (University of Edinburgh)
It is worth noting that the conference will be held in person, in Madrid. Presentations will last 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes for discussion.
Participation is open to all researchers interested in the conference theme. Proposals for papers in English or Spanish are welcome.
Your proposal should include:
- A title (max. 15 words)
- Key words (max. 5 words)
- An abstract (300-400 words, not including references), followed by 5-10 references.
- A short biography (max. 200 words)
All proposals must be submitted online via EasyChair. While abstracts can be inserted (typed/pasted) directly into the relevant section on EasyChair, authors’ biodata must be uploaded as PDF files. The procedure for creating an EasyChair account (if you don’t have one) and submitting your proposal is as follows (skip steps 1-3 if you have an EasyChair account already)
- Go to https://easychair.org/account/signup
- Complete the CAPTCHA authentication procedure (if need be) and click on “Continue”
- After you’ve filled in the form, EasyChair will send you an email with a link that you can use to confirm the creation of your account.
- Log into your Easychair account, click on the following link or copy and paste it intoyour browser’s address bar:
- Click on “Enter as an Author”
- Add your proposal and click on “Submit”
The deadline for the submission of proposals is 15 June 2024.
A written acceptance or refusal of proposals will be sent by e-mail no later than 15 July 2024.
Plenary Speakers
Plenary talk: Multilingualism as problem, right and resource: commercial language policies and social conflict While businesses generally attempt to remain or appear ‘neutral’ in relation to social conflicts and contentious political situations, many of their decisions, including their decision-making around language, can contribute to maintaining and even exacerbating conflict and division in society. In this paper, I examine different approaches to language policies in corporate contexts, which can be grouped broadly in terms of Ruiz’s (1984) well known model of three orientations in language policy and planning, namely: language as problem, language as right and language as resource. While multilingual societies continue to be constructed as problematic in marketing and economic literature, multilingualism is at the same time used as a way to distinguish products and create niche markets. Likewise, corporations may also respond to language rights through multilingual provision, however, this has tended to be dependent on the economic attractiveness of the particular market associated with the language. Through all of this language policy work, a number of fundamental ideologies around language that are problematic in terms of managing multilingual societies are maintained and even enhanced. While the corporate world may seem far removed from the concern of educators, many of the policy-making logics, practices and effects are similar and the multilingualism that is encountered in corporate contexts is both impacted by and impacts on educational policies. |
Plenary talk: Multilingual citizenship: sociological bases and normative implications This talk will assess the potential of multilingual citizenship for overcoming the cultural hierarchies historically linked to the formation of nation-states. It will introduce the concept of complex linguistic diversity to substantiate the claim that the links between language(s) and citizenship must be properly appreciated to tackle the tension between language-as-an-option and language-as-a-ligature in politically productive ways. Institutional approaches adopted to confront this diversity should thereby follow strategies that generalize multilingual repertoires and set the foundations for a multilingual citizenship. This approach will be fleshed out empirically in the context of contemporary Catalonia and comparable European cases that offer laboratory-like environments for studying the challenges of complex diversity. |
Guest speakers (Round tables)
Round table 1: Multilingualism and minority languages in Europe: A story of language conflict?
Ruth Kircher (European Centre for Minority Issues)
Paolo Roseano (UNED)
Haraldur Bernharđsson (University of Iceland).
Moderator: Inmaculada Senra-Silva (UNED)
Round table 2: Conflictos sociolingüísticos y sociopolíticos en el contexto español: ¿hacia dónde va nuestro modelo educativo?
Fernando Ramallo (Universidad de Vigo)
Inés García Azkoaga (Universidad del País Vasco)
Mercè Pujol Berché (Université de Perpignan Via Domitia)
Moderator: Rubén Chacón (UNED)
Dr. Mercè Pujol Berché (Université de Perpignan Via Domitia) |
Round table 3: Governing, marketing, and managing English medium higher education – a multi-level approach
Emma Dafouz (Universidad Complutense)
Helen Kelly-Holmes (University of Limerick)
Kristina Hultgren (The Open University).
Moderator: Elena Orduna Nocito (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Deadline for abstract submission: 15 June 2024
Notification of abstract acceptance: 15 July 2024
Early-bird regsitration and payment: until 15 September 2024
Late registration and payment for speakers: from 16 September to 1 November 2024
Conference dates: 14 – 15 November 2024
(Attendee registration will be open until 11 November 2024)
Oral presenters:
Early-bird regstration and payment (until 15 September): €150
Late registration and payment (from 16 September): €190
Early-bird regstration and payment (until 15 September): €50
Late registration and payment (from 16 September): €80
You can register at the following link:
All conference participants with a paper presentation, should fill in the Registration form and pay the Registration fee not later than 1 November.
In case of co-authorship, any author who attends the conference and/or requires a certificate has to pay the registration fee
Reduced fee:
Doctoral students and presenters based in developing countries (Africa, Asia and Latin America) may apply for a 50 percent free waiver.
Certificates will be provided to enable oral presenters and attendees to evidence their participation in the conference.
Registration fees include access to coffee breaks, lunch and wine reception.
(In case of co-authorship, any author who attends the conference and/or requires a certificate has to pay the registration fee).
Past Conferences
2018: Bilingualism and interculturality: challenges, limits and solutions
2020: Bilingualism and bilingual education: Sociolinguistic approaches
2022: Bilingualism and Bilingual Education: Sociolinguistic Approaches
Facultad de Educación de la UNED
Calle Juan del Rosal, 14
28040 Madrid
The metro is one of the easiest ways to reach the campus. The closest stop is “Ciudad Universitaria”, line 6. Then you should walk around 20 minutes.
Line 133 is an easy way to reach the campus too. It leaves from the city center. The closest stop is “Veterinaria”, which is a six-minute walk away.
Line F, from “Plaza de Cuatro Caminos”. The closest stop is “Paraninfo – Informática”, which is a nine-minute walk away.
- Line 6 to “Ciudad Universitaria” + Bus “U”. This bus stops at “Paraninfo”, which is a two-minute walk away.
- Lines 3 or 6 to “Moncloa” + Bus «83», «133» or «162». These buses stop at “Avenida Puerta de Hierro”, which is a five-minute walk away.
- Lines 3 or 6 to “Moncloa” + Bus “G”. This bus stops at “Paraninfo – Informática”, which is a nine-minute walk away.
From “Moncloa” bus station you can take the following intercity buses: 601, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 627, 628, 629, 651, 651A, 652, 653, 654 y 655. The closest stop is “Avenida Puerta de Hierro Nº 3” next to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. You will find stairs that will directly take you to the conference venue. It is only a ten- minute walk.
Recommended accommodation
Reservations: reservas@hotelexemoncloa.com
Reservations: + 34 687 034 193
Reservations: melia.madrid.princesa@melia.com
Reservations: info.madridcity@leonardo-hotels.com
Reservations: info@indigomadrid.com
Reservations: reservas.floridanorte@farandahotels.com
Reservations: aclosvascos@ac-hotels.com
Reservations: reservas@sercotel.com
Reservas: hotelmadridgranvia@melia.com
Reservations: administracion@cmanslujan.co
With collaboration of:
Dpto. Filologías Extranjeras y sus Lingüísticas, UNED
Dpto. Lengua Española y Lingüística General, UNED