
Climate Change’s negative effects can disrupt people’s way of living in such a manner that oblige them to displace. In such events, displacements would be an adaptation to climate change.…

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Project Grant

The field work has been completed in the first semester in 2024. This work consisted of carrying out 36 in-depth qualitative interviews with UNHCR, NGOs (reception staff and legal advice),…

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Dissemination of ADAPTAR Results

1. International seminar: Climate-induced migration: recent trends and future directions, Centre D’Estudis De Dret Ambiental de Tarragona (CEDAT) – Monday 24th April 2023 from 15:00 to 19:30h, in person at the…

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For more information on the event and the registration form, see the following link:

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
Plan de Recuperación