Ana Hornero Corisco

Ana María Hornero Corisco is senior lecturer at the Department of English Studies of the University of Zaragoza (Spain). She has published articles in the field of English Historical Linguistics, on the teaching/learning of English as a Foreign Language and on audiovisual translation.  Member of the CIRES (Comunicación internacional y retos sociales) research group –funded by the Regional Government of Aragon and the EU–she works at present on different translation practices, with a special interest on audiovisual translation and audiovisual translation in SLA.

Editor of Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies (2006-2013).

She has participated in several European projects dealing with the improvement of standards of quality in adult language education and with quality assessment training. For more than a decade she has been in charge of the University of Zaragoza Entrance Exams of English, both for secondary school students and candidates over 25.
Scopus ID 57202019716